403 Squadron pilots with their Wing Commander. Probably August 1943

Front row:
01) F/O Joseph P. Lecoq,
02) F/L. Charles P. Thornton, Detroit
03) P/O John Allen Wilson, Hamilton
04) Sgt. Stanley Barnes, Toronto
05) F/O Stanley W. Matthews, Winnipeg
06) W/O1 Clinton
F. Rae, Moulinette, Ont.
07) Sgt. James R. MacKinnon,
Winnipeg |
Middle row:
01) F/O Livingston "Cap" Foster,
02) F/O Robert G. Middlemiss, Montreal
03) F/O
James F. Lambert, Winnipeg
04) F/L Dean Dover,
Mount Dennis, Toronto
05) S/L Frank E. (Bitsy) Grant, Brockville
06) W/C J. E. Johnson
07) F/L
Noel J. Ogilvie, Ottawa
08) F/O Harry Dowding,
Sarnia, Ont.
09) F/O J. D. Browne, Florham Park, NJ
10) P/O Paul K. Gray, Toronto |
Back row:
01) F/O Thomas A. Brannagan,
02) F/O John Hodgson, Calgary
03) F/L Arthur
C. Coles, North Vancouver
04) F/L Herbert J. Southwood,
05) Sgt Norman V. Chevers, Niagara Falls
06) F/O James Preston, St. Catharines
07) F/L David Goldberg,
08) F/O Malcolm J. Gordon,
09) F/L Harry A. Pattinson, Hamilton |
B9 - March 1945

Sitting |
Standing |
01)“Stew” Tosh
02) Freddy Arsenault
03)“Gil” Gillis
04) Walt Dove
05)“Reg” Morris
06)“Mac” McLeod |
01) Bob Barbour
02)“Mac” McLaren
03)“Tommy” Todd
04) Bob Shannon
05)“Mac” Reeves
06)“Mo” Morrison
07)“Gil” Gilmartin
08)“Cap” Foster
09)“Van” Sainsbury
10)“Johnny” Johnson
11) Keith Lindsay
12) Ron Forsythe
13) Fred Town
14) Johnny Desaules
15) Kenny Watchorn |
403 Squadron Pilots and Ground Crew. Probably May 1945
If you can identify any of these men, please let me know by clicking that "contact" link at the bottom of this page

Front Row Sitting: unknown, unknown, unknown, George Bub, Sgt. Summers, Freddy Arsenault, Mo Morrison, Keith Lindsay, Van Sainsbury, Al Fleming, Cap Foster, John Benningen, Cy Yarnell, Dick Neitz, Jack Baker, Doug Hallett, Ted Doyle, Gil Gillis
Under the Prop: Marv Silver & Dave Leslie (standing in back)
"Mac" McLeod, Bob Shannon & Bill Gilmartin (standing in front)
(kneeling) "Red" Ryder (in front of McLeod), "Amigo" Roy, Bob Young, Ken Watchorn & John Pickering
Standing: 7th from the left is Ernest Yates (a/c mechanic), far right is LAC John Russ (a)
ARROWS: – “My Boys” – Frank Graham & Len Simms (Walter Dove's Erks)
Thanks to Greg for the great photos from his grandpa's (Walter Dove) album !
He has scanned lots of cool stuff, most of which can be seen on Pierre Legace's Blog HERE
Thanks for the IDs
(a) son Lorne