
Boyd, Dean Dover & Charlie Fox share a laugh
Seneca Indian Airman Graduates As Parents From Reserve Watch
Dunnville, Oct. 7, 1941 (Special) — The largest class to graduate from No. 6 Service Flying School, R.CA.F., Dunnville, since the school opened received "wings" from Group Captain A. H. Hull, officer commanding, this afternoon.
The airmen came from all parts of Canada and the United States. Toronto was represented by sixteen graduates. In addressing the airmen, Group Captain Hull complimented them on the work they had done at this school and urged them to continue with their studies.
"Wherever you go or whatever you do, we at the school will watch your progress with keen interest," he told them. He also paid tribute to the good work of the instructors and ground crew, without whom the graduates would not receive their wings.
Among the graduates was Alan G. Hill of Middleport, a full-blooded Indian of the Seneca tribe from the Six Nations Reserve. His father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hill, were in attendance. Mr. Hill has been connected with the Indian office at Brantford for the past thirty-seven years. Parents came from points in the United States to see their sons receive their wings, and all parts of Ontario were represented.
Miss Eileen Lawrey, 144 Queensdale Avenue, Toronto, one of the guests, is to be married tomorrow to Pilot Officer Alan Studholme, 224 Queensdale Avenue, their marriage culminating a schoolday romance. Both were pupils at East York Collegiate. Pilot Officer Studholme is a grandson of the late Alan Studholme, M.P. for East Hamilton.
Ontario graduates included: Pilot Officer M. D. Boyd, Clarkson; Pilot Officer E. A. Wilson, Toronto; Pilot Officer J. D. Virtue, Toronto; Pilot Officer W. B. Peglar, Toronto; Pilot Officer Alan Studholme, Toronto; D. G. Harkness, St. Catharines, D. A. McMaster, Toronto; Pilot Officer E. S. Smith, Toronto; Pilot Officer T. R. Shaw, Kapuskasing; Pilot Officer A. Novick, Sault Ste. Marie; Pilot Officer H. E. Sullivan, Englehart; Pilot Officer J. K. McLean, Lindsay; Pilot Officer H. G. Locke, Cobourg, and Pilot Officer H. R. White, Ridgeway.
United States pilot officers included Pilot Officer H. K. Winfield, Girard, Ohio, and Pilot Officer C. J. Koritansky, Chardon, Ohio.
Some of the Ontario men receiving their sergeant's stripes were: A. P. Robson, H. S. Snelgrove, D. F. Drake, S. A. Lea, M F. Doran, R. D. Snelgrove, N. W. Barbeau, R. D. Telfer, all of Toronto; A. O. Smuck, Weston; G. A. Davis, King; R. C. Hushes, St. Marys; W. K. Grant, Colborne; H. C. Carr, Ingersoll; S. A. Phillips, Ottawa; C. H. Short, Orillia; R. W. Dunn, Sutton West; A. Newell, Durham; W. H. Griffin, Ayr; E. D. Kelly, Peterborough; L. H. Hough, Sudbury; C. H. Hunter, Ottawa; J. E. Meyer, New Hamburg; F. J. Parsons, London; K. S. Platt, Hamilton.
Some of the United States graduates were: M. P. Berry, Parkersburg, West Virginia; P. J. Martin, Detroit; E. Lewenson, Scranton, Pa.; W. R. Blake, Corpus Christi, Texas; L. P. McClive, Flint, Mich.
Born 3 February 1919 in Toronto.
Home in Clarkson, Ontario;
Enlisted in Toronto 7 January 1941.
Trained at
No.1 ITS (graduated 28 May 1941),
No.9 EFTS (graduated 27 July 1941) and
No.6 SFTS (graduated 7 October 1941).
Commissioned 7 October 1941;
F/O 1 January 1943;
F/L 8 July 1943;
S/L 29 January 1945.
Arrived in UK, 22 October 1941; at
No.52 OTU, 18 November 1941 to 10 February 1942;
No.412 Squadron, 10 February to 14 December 1942;
No.401 Squadron, 14-26 December 1942;
No.412 Squadron, 26 Dec.'42 to 28 Oct.'43
(Flight Commander from 8 July to 28 October 1943); to
No.2 Tactical Evaluation Unit (29 Oct.'43 to 12 June '44)
in Canada, 6 July to 5 September 1944.
No.412 Squadron, 30 September 1944 to 30 May 1945.
Repatriated 31 July 1945; released 17 September 1945.
Award presented 18 October 1947.
Incidents in his career include two crashes -
18 May 1942 (landed wheels up) and
11 June 1942 (landed at night on grass, hit a parked Spit) |
Ottawa, July 26, 1945 (CP) — Air Force Headquarters tonight announced 140 awards to members of the Royal Canadian Air Force for service overseas and released a collective citation which said they had shown utmost fortitude, courage and devotion to duty in operations against the enemy, The recipients included:
Distinguished Flying Gross
Flt. Lt. K. T. Wallace, 171 Kingsmount Park Rd., Toronto; FO's. W. R. Arnill, Dundalk; S. Ferguson, Niagara Falls; R. A. Forbes, Woodstock; J. W. Fraser, Pape and Danforth Aves., Toronto; G. A. Harpwood, Welland; A. W. Hutchins, 133 Lakeshore Dr., Toronto; I. G. Kerry, Port Perry; E. G. Legrice, 2400 Queen St. W., Toronto; V. L. Mills, Alvinston; F. B. Murphy, Cowley; J. C. Parry, Windsor; E. R. Penner, Beamsville; J. V. Reynolds, 104 Bartlett Ave.; Toronto; R. K. Rosebrugh, Gait; K. C. Roulston, London; H. Rubin, Ottawa.
J. W. Singer, 769 Annette St., Toronto; R. D. Thauvette, Alexandria; R. J. Tierney, 302 Sumach St., Toronto; W. A. Tulloch, Ottawa; S. L Uffelman, Waterloo; B. C. Wallace, 273 Fairlawn Ave., Toronto; G. D. Wilson, Brantford; PO's T. M. Baird, Waterloo; F. L. Blancher,, Morrisburg; J. E. Bolen, Kenilworth; U. C. Burns, Sault Ste. Marie; A. Campbell, Keewatin; L. W. Clark, Morrisburg; R. F. Clark, South Porcupine; K. F. Pallett, Ottawa; J. C. Schwandt, Singhampton; F. E. Tanner, Apsley; Sqdn. Ldr. M. D. Boyd, Clarkson; Flt. Lts. P. C. Green, London; R. N. Rives, Kitchener,. W. R. Tew, 42 Isabella St., Toronto.
FO's R. F. Doody, Ottawa; F. W. Evans, 310 Darie St., Toronto; K. V. Fraser, Ottawa; R. S. Grant, Weston; C. W. Holstead, London; A. D. Mclnnes, 4 Dawson Ave., Toronto; R. E. Shields, 25 Albany Ave., Toronto; PO's E. A. Foster, 803 St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto; J. N. Maguire, 239 Heath St. E., Toronto.
Distinguished Flying Medal
Flt. Sgts. G. B. Smith, 95 Hamilton St., Toronto and J. H. Taylor, Windsor.
BOYD, S/L Maurice David (J7906) - Distinguished Flying Cross - No.412 Squadron
Award effective 7 July 1945 as per London Gazette dated 20 July 1945 and
AFRO 1453/45 dated 14 September 1945.
Throughout his tour of operations this officer has consistently displayed the highest qualities of leadership both in the air and on the ground. Since he assumed command the squadron has destroyed twenty-three enemy aircraft and damaged four. He himself destroyed four of these, shared in the destruction of a fifth and damaged two others. Squadron Leader Boyd has at all times shown great tactical ability and he has been largely responsible for the efficiency and excellent fighting spirit of his squadron.
Victories Include:
3 Oct. 1943
24 Dec. 1944
17 March 1945
25 March 1945
30 April 1945 |
one FW190
one FW190
1/2 FW190D
one Me109
two Me109s
one Me109
damaged |
4M NW of Ault
15M SSE of Venlo
5M SW of Coesfeld
5M S of Winterswijk
Near Lauenburg |
4.5 / 0 / 2
Two Brothers Will Receive Same Awards
Carlisle Veterans Both Earned D.F.C.
October 17, 1947 - When His Excellency Field Marshal Alexander of Tunis, Governor General of Canada, holds an investiture at Convocation Hall, University of Toronto, tomorrow two brothers will step up to receive Distinguished Flying Crosses which they won over the battle-scarred soil of Europe. They are S/L M.D. Boyd and F/O J.E.D. Boyd of Carlisle, Ont.
No less than 220 former and serving members of the Canadian Army and Royal Canadian Air Force will be presented with their awards on this occasion, including seven ex-servicewomen.
From Hamilton and District there will be 21 men, six from the Army and 15 from the R.C.A.F. Acting as usherettes at the ceremony will be 30 ex-servicewomen of the R.C.A.F. (W.D.) Auxiliary.
The following will be awarded to men from Hamilton and District :
Order of the British Empire -
Col. E.G. Pullen, E.D., Oakville.
Member of the British Empire -
Lt.-Col. J.E. Tucker, Oakville; Maj. H.A.R. Dunsheath, Oakville; Maj. G.B. Greene, Oakville; Maj. T.L.C. Pierce-Goulding, Oakville.
Military Cross –
Maj. G.C. Lewis, Oakville.
Distinguished Flying Cross -
S/L M.D. Boyd, Carlisle; S/L D.C. Jones, 298 Wentworth Street South; S/L W. E. Miller, Hagersville; F/L J.H. Cartmell, 101 East 15th Street; F/L R.W. McCurdy, Waterdown; F/O J.E.D. Boyd, Carlisle.
Distinguished Flying Medal - F/L W.H. Stephenson, Simcoe; F/O M.E. Gilmore, 104 Maple Avenue; F/O D.E. Gwynne-Vaughan, R.R. 4, Hamilton; F/O C.S. Marsh, Milton; F/O H.J. Venn, 9 Hawthorne Avenue; F/Sgt R. E. Budd, 122½ Kenmore Blvd.; F/Sgt J.T. Huffman, Port Colborne.
British Empire Medals -
F/Sgt W.A. Deverill, 108 Kent Street; F/Sgt D.R. Gregory, Burlington.
Citations Show Award Winners' Great Heroism
Toronto, Oct. 21, 1947 (Special) — A score of veterans from the Hamilton area were among more than 200 soldiers, airmen and women veterans, who were decorated on Saturday by His Excellency Viscount Alexander of Tunis at an investiture in the University of Toronto's Convocation Hall.
The decorations were pinned on the veterans by the Governor General before a crowded auditorium in a two-hour ceremony.
Two brothers, Squadron Leader Maurice David Boyd and Flying Officer Jack Edgelow Dundas Boyd of Carlisle, each received the Distinguished Flying Cross. Squadron Leader Boyd's citation read "After assuming command, his squadron destroyed 23 enemy aircraft and damaged 4, he himself destroying 4 of these." Flying Officer Boyd was decorated "For outstanding ability as a navigator over hazardous country in Central Burma during the most adverse weather conditions."
Colonel Ernest Gambler Pullen, E.D., of Oakville, was invested with the insignia of Officer (Military Division) of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for, "His exceptional planning and organizational ability as Director of Staff Duties National Defence Headquarters. An outstanding contribution to the service."
Lt.-Col. J. E. Tucker, of Oakville, was made a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, his citation reading "This officer has carried out his duties in the Ordnance Directorate Headquarters 21 Army Group in a commendable manner showing commendable responsibility and devotion to duty."
Major H.A.R. Dunsheath and Major Godfrey Benning Greene of Oakville received the same decoration. Major Ritchie's citation said, "By his outstanding ability, judgment and knowledge and great capacity for work he made a most valuable contribution to the administration of the Army." Major Greene's "leadership and direction of counter sabotage operations in 21 Army Group were of the highest order."
Another from Oakville receiving this decoration was Major T.L.C. Pierce-Goulding. His citation read "By undertaking duties and responsibilities far in excess of those normally expected, this officer contributed much to the successful planning of operation Overlord."
Major G.C. Lewis, of Oakville was awarded the Military Cross for "inspiring leadership, determination and initiative during an attack and enemy counter attack which resulted in the capture of 40 enemy prisoners-of-war."
Among those receiving the Distinguished Flying Medal were Flying Officer M.E. Gilmore, of 104 Maple Avenue, Flying Officer D.E. Gwynne-Vaughan of R.R. 4, Flying Officer H.J. Venn of 9 Hawthorne Avenue and Flight Sergeant R.E. Budd of 122½ Kenmore Boulevard, Hamilton.
The citation of Flying Officer Gilmore said: "This officer's coolness and devotion contributed materially to saving the life of a crew member who was seriously injured during an attack on Wanne Eickel."
Flying Officer Gwynne-Vaughan: "During many sorties against the enemy this officer has set the example of determination and devotion to duty inspiring the rest of his crew."
Flying Officer Venn: "For extreme courage and enthusiasm through his tour of operations."
Flight Sergeant Budd: "For accomplishing skilful and hazardous repairs in the air which enabled the pilot to bring the aircraft safely to England."
Flight Sergeant William Albert Deverill of 108 Kent Street, Hamilton, received the British Empire Medal for "accepting responsibility beyond that normally required of an N.C.O. and for whole-hearted devotion to his duty and the service."