
Canadian Fighter Pilots - WW2

With kills (shoot downs) or skills (medals for gallantry) - Last name beginning with D

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David Dack Whitey Dahl James Dalglish Danny Daniel
Dave Dack
Jim Dalglish
  Tex Davenport   G G Davidson
G G Davidson
Bob Davidson Paul Davoud Norm Dawber Bob Day
Norm Dawber
Richard De Bourke Alphonse De La Haye Bernie De Larminat
Dick De Bourke
Tom De Courcy
Al De La Haye
B De Larminat
J.A.H.G. "Denny" De Niverville Art Deacon Thomas Dean
G De Niverville
Art Deacon
Baz Dean
Tommy Dean
Paul Delorme Denny Denison Deni Denison
Pug Delorme
Lorrie Dehoux
Denny Denison
Deni Denison
Dickie Depper Hal Derraugh Paul Desloges
Dickie Depper
Hal Derraugh
Paul Desloges
Louis Devlin
Dewy Dewan John Dewar Bill Dexter Roland Dibnah
Dewy Dewan
John Dewar
Bill Dexter
John Dick Norm Dick Dinny Dinsdale Basil Doak
John Dick
Norm Dick
Joe Doak
Vince Dohaney   Wilbert Dodd  
Vince Dohaney
Larry Doherty Ron Doidge John Donovan Jack Doran
Larry Doherty
Ron Doidge
John Donovan
Jack Doran
Don Dougall Alfred "Pinky" Douglas Walter Dove  
Pinky Douglas
Dean Dover Tommy Dowbiggin Harry Dowding Bill Downer
Tom Dowbiggin
Gilbert Doyle Garrett Doyle Jack Doyle
Gil Doyle
Mike Doyle
Bill Draper Gord Driver Doug Drummond  
Gord Driver
Doug Drummond
Warren Duffy Edmund Pappy Dunn Leonard Dunn Curly Dunning
Len Dunn
Boyd Dunning
Fred Duquette Peter Dwornik  
H C Dutton
Pete Dwornik


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