
A Yousuf Karsh portrait taken in Ottawa, probably May 1941
Three Canadians Receive Awards For Work at Malta
London, Oct. 26, 1942 — (CP Cable) — Three members of the R.C.A.F., piloting fighter planes in defense of Malta, were among airmen for whom immediate awards were announced today. They were F/L H. W. McLeod of Regina, who received the bar to his Distinguished Flying Cross; F/L E. Glazebrook, of Outremont, Que., who received the D.F.C., and F/S I. R. MacLennan, who received the D.F.M.
Born in Outremont, Quebec, 18 August 1918
Son of Herbert William and Ethel May Glazebrook, of Valois, Quebec
Educated at
Alfred Joyce School, Montreal, 1924-1931 &
Strathcona Academy, 1931-1935
Employed as an office worker for T. Eaton Company for two months (1934)
Took Accounting & Business courses at Sir George Williams College, 1935-36
Also took correspondence banking courses from Shaw Schools, Toronto
Teller for Royal Bank of Canada in Montreal, 1935-1940
Enlisted in Montreal, 7 October 1940 &
Posted that date to No.2 Manning Depot, Brandon
To Vancouver, 24 October 1940
To No.2 ITS, 28 November 1940. Graduated as LAC, 2 Jan. 1941. Posted
To No.12 EFTS; Goderich. Graduated 24 February 1941 when posted
To No.1A Manning Depot, Picton
To No.1 SFTS, Borden, 5 March 1941. Graduated as Sergeant, 16 May 1941
Commissioned with effect from 17 May 1941
To Embarkation Depot, 17 May 1941
To RAF overseas, 19 June 1941
To No.58 OTU, 14 July 1941
To No.130 "Punjab" Squadron, 25 August 1941
Serving there until at least 13 April 1942
(see assessment below)
Embarked on HMS Eagle for the Mediterranean
Promoted Flying Officer, 17 May 1942
Flew a spitfire from HMS Eagle to Malta, 18 May 1942
To No.603 Squadron, 18 May 1942
To No.229 Squadron, 5 August 1942
Survived the Malta Blitz & heading back to the UK, he was
Killed in a Flying Accident (Liberator crash at Gibraltar), 31 Oct 1942.
Fighter pilots George Beurling, A.H. Donaldson, Gordon Farquharson,
'Ping' Powell & Art Roscoe, along with a few other passengers, survived.
"Hether" Hetherington & fellow Ace "Willie the Kid" Williams, along with
Eddie, Charlie Mutch & about 15 other passengers & crew died. |
Training: Interviewed for RCAF on 1 August 1940 by F/O Maurice Janin (later Mentioned in Despatches) who described him as "Very good type, neat and clean and very smart for height, intelligent and quick, organized, polite, courteous, good lad, should be well liked.” The reference to height is unusual - Glazebrook was five feet six inches tall and weighed 130 pounds.
Course at No.2 ITS was from 29 November to 23 December 1940. Courses and marks as follows: Mathematics (75/100), Armament, P and O (81/100), Visual Link Trainer (B), Drill (63/100), Law and Discipline (84/100). Placed 30th in a class of 201. Described as follows: "Very good type and material. Mature - self confident. Above classroom average.”
Course at No.12 EFTS was from 4 January to 21 February 1941. Flying on Finch I and Finch II aircraft - 25 hours dual, 25 hours 15 minutes solo, and five hours in Link Trainer. Described by instructor as "A pilot suitable for either single or twin-engined aircraft. His aerobatics are fair. Instrument flying and general flying above average.” Ground school courses and marks as follows: Airmanship (176/200), Airframes (147/200), Aero Engines (166/200), Signals, Practical (472//50), Theory of Flight (80/100)), Air Navigation (176/200), Armament, Oral (160/200). Qualities as an Officer (175/200). Placed first in a class of 31. Deemed suitable for commissioned rank. Described as follows: "An above average student both in flying and Ground Work. Studious and conscientious. Recommended for commission.”
Course at No.1 SFTS was 5 March to 16 May 1941. Flew Yale and Harvard aircraft; 45 hours 50 minutes day dual, 37 hours 15 minutes day solo, five hours 55 minutes night dual, four hours 20 minutes night solo. These included 20 hours on instruments. Also logged 15 hours in Link and 140 minutes as a passenger. General flying assesses as "Above average”, Formation flying as "Average”, Navigational Ability as "Average”. And Instrument Flying as "Above Average”. |
Described by Squadron Commander (S/L G.V. Priestly ?) as "Progress very satisfactory to a high average; pupil alert and very quick to learn.” He was actually recommended for "General Reconnaissance” work. Ground courses and marks as follows: Airmanship and Maintenance (150/200), Armament-W (77/100), Armament (91/100), Navigation and Meteorology (166/200), Signals-W (91/100), Signals-P (50/50). Chief Ground Instructor wrote, "Very satisfactory - obtained first place in class of 52 pupils. Good effort made all through.”
With grandma Coode & cousin Al Logan |
The list of graduates recommended for commissions following No.1 SFTS is headed by Glazebrook, followed by Sergeant C.S. White (killed in flying accident, United Kingdom, 26 September 1941), H.L. Myers, J.L.H. Eliott, C.A. King, R.A. Laing (killed in action, 12 January 1942), A.C. White (killed in action, 29 April 1942), G.G. Retallack (killed in action, 2 July 1942), L.H. Warriner (awarded AFC for Ferry Command services), S. Jamieson (killed in flying accident in Ceylon, 1 July 1942), A.T.A. Young, R.F. Minnick (killed in flying accident, No.58 OTU, 1 August 1941), H.A. Nicholson , J.R. Freeland (killed in action, 29 September 1941), F.J. Sherlock (awarded DFC), C.G.R. Saunders (killed in flying accident, 26 October 1941), A.R. Moulden, G.S. Robb (not commissioned, killed in action 14 July 1942), P.T.W. Walker (not commissioned, killed in action 22 October 1941), A.H.J. Fawcett (killed in flying accident, 16 September 1942), A.A. MacLeod (apparently not commissioned, killed in flying accident in Canada, 26 July |
1943), J.A. Parker (not commissioned, killed in flying accident at No.55 OTU, 28 August 1941), F.R. Richardson (killed in action, 6 January 1942), S.H. Frankel and J.L. Roach (not commissioned, killed in action 11 August 1942). (note - 24 men, 8 survived, 16 did not. Exactly 2/3 -jf)
Course at No.58 OTU lasted 14 July to 25 August 1941. Flew on Masters (two hours 50 minutes dual, six hours 25 minutes solo) and Spitfires (36 hours ten minutes). This included three hours on instruments and 12 hours formation flying; also logged six hours 50 minutes in Link. Flying Aptitude was listed under several headings - Natural Aptitude (Average), Skill in Landing (Average), Airmanship (Average), Aerobatics and Dog Fight (Above Average), Cockpit Drill (Average), Instrument Flying (Average), Formation Flying (Above Average) and Air Firing (not assessed), Map Reading (Average). Under "Distinctive Qualities” the following Categories were Listed:
1. Persistence (Does he keep on trying or is he easily discourage ?) - Above Average
2. Sense of Responsibility (Has he common sense or is he over-confident ?) - Average
3. Endurance (Does he put up a consistently satisfactory performance under conditions of strain ?) - Above Average.
4. Leadership (Has he taken the lead in any activities ? Would he make a good captain of aircraft or Flight leader ?) - Above Average
5. Method (Does he work systematically to a plan ?) - Above Average.
6. Deliberation (Does he act decisively for reasons or on impulse ?) - Average
7. Initiative (Does he want to try things on his own ?) Above Average.
8. Dash (Is he quick and decisive in action ?) - Average
9. Distribution of Attention (Does he find it difficult to do more than one thing at a time ?) - Average
10. Self Control (Does he get flustered ?) - Average
11. General Assessment of suitability as Operational Pilot - Above Average
His overall assessment at No.58 OTU was as follows: "Pilot Officer Glazebrook is keen and conscientious and his ability as a fighter pilot is above the average run of pupils.”
Assessment for No.130 Squadron for the period 25 August 1941 to 13 April 1942 described him as "A very bright and keen young pilot who should do well in a fighter squadron.”

Eddie sits in a 130 "Punjab" Squadron Spitfire aptly named "Punjab Police III"
GLAZEBROOK, F/L Edwin Herbert (J5329) - Distinguished Flying Cross - No.229 Sq.
Award effective 22 October 1942 as per London Gazette dated 3 November 1942 &
AFRO 1962/42 dated 4 December 1942
This officer has participated in many sorties over Sicily. In the heavy fighting over Malta he has taken part in many interceptions and his flight has destroyed twelve enemy aircraft. By his skilful and courageous leadership Flight Lieutenant Glazebrook played a large part in the successes obtained. He has destroyed three enemy aircraft.
Air Force Casualties
Ottawa, Nov. 8, 1942 - (CP) - The R.C.A.F. in its 416th casualty list of the war reported six men killed on active service overseas, six missing after overseas air operations, four killed on active service in Canada, two missing and believed killed during flying operations in Canada, and four missing after flying operations in Canada.
One man was reported to have died of injuries suffered on active service overseas and one man previously reported missing was listed for official purposes presumed dead.
One man was listed as seriously injured on active service in Canada. Following is the latest list of casualties, with next of kin:
GLAZEBROOK, Edwin Herbert, F/O, killed on active service overseas. H. W. Glazebrook (father), Outremont, Que.
WILLIAMS, John William, D.F.C., P/O, killed on active service overseas. H. E. Williams (father), Chilliwack, B.C.
MUTCH, Charles Edward, F/S, killed on active service overseas. Frederick Mutch (father), Clinton, Ont.
Victories Include :
6 June 1942
1 July 1942
2 July 1942
8 July 1942
25 July 1942
11 Oct. 1942
12 Oct. 1942
14 Oct. 1942
15 Oct. 1942 |
one Ju88
one MC202
1/2 MC202
two Ju88s
one MC202
one MC202
one Ju88
one Ju88
one Ju88
1/2 Ju88
one Ju88
one Spit |
damaged |
S84 or Z1007)
(or probable)
(3 separate sorties)
(or destroyed)* |
3.5 / 1 / 6.5
3 / 1.5 / 6.5
* Eddie inadvertently shot W/C J.M. Thompson out of the sky. Luckily, he crash landed at Hal Far
If you count the Spit then add one to his score
On the back of a picture postcard
(right), believed to have been sent
from Malta on 23 July 42, he wrote
Official Score |
Destroyed |
Damaged |
1 Italian Fighter |
1 Ital Fighter
2 Junkers 88's
1 Bomber |
Colorized picture postcard, July '42 |
This photo, purportedly showing Eddie Glazebrook, I believe to be someone else. He does not look like the guy in the other photos seen here. Of course, it could be, but at this point I'm thinkin' no. What's almost certain is that it's a Malta, summer of '42 photo.
If anyone can confirm or deny or in any way shed some light on this man's identity, please contact me using the link below. |