-------------------------------------------------- Fiercest Raids of War Driven HomeBy DREW MIDDLETON - London, April 29, 1942 - (AP) - Trondheim and Kiel, important bases for the menacing Nazi naval power, were left blasted and burned today by heavy R.A.F. assaults as Britain relentlessly prosecuted the fiercest air offensive of the war. -------------------------------------------------- Went Into Action Two Years Ago, Canadian Fliers Have Won 6 DFC's
Ottawa, Oct. 3, 1942 — (CP) — Citations for S/L Keith L. B. Hodson, of London, Ont., and P/O W. E. King, of Alton, Ont., who recently won the Distinguished Flying Cross, and for F/S H. F. Watlington, of Hamilton, Bermuda, who won the Distinguished Flying Medal, were announced by Royal Canadian Air Force headquarters here last night. Announcement of the awards was made September 25, but the actual citations accompanying the awards were not made public then. The official citation for S/L Hodson read as follows: "This officer has participated in a large number of sorties. He is a skilful pilot whose personal example has inspired the squadron he commands, and much of the success it has achieved can be attributed to S/L Hodson's excellent leadership." P/O King's award resulted from the part he played on a raid on Duesseldorf. The citation said: "P/O S. Watt and P/O King were captain and navigator, respectively, of an aircraft detailed to attack Duesseldorf. When nearing the target area, the aircraft was held in a concentration of searchlights and hit by anti-aircraft fire. The intercommunication was rendered unserviceable and P/O King was wounded in the leg and stomach. Despite this he bravely continued his duties. His subsequent navigation was of the greatest assistance to P/O Watt, who succeeded in flying his damaged aircraft back to this country. |
![]() S/L Hodson |
With the RCAF somewhere in England, Dec. 15, 1942 - CP) - Canadian airmen are being given a chance to see how the army works, with the object a closer liaison between the forces when the combined operation season opens again. Pilots in the R.C.A.F. fighter squadrons commanded by S/Ls Knobby Fee of Calgary, Keith Hodson of London, Ont. and Bud Malloy of Halifax, have been asked which army unit they would like to visit, giving each man a chance to spend a week with army men from his own district.
Each squadron plans to send one man each week to organize the army this winter. . . . F/O Alex Ince of Toronto was first to leave this station, going to a brigade headquarters for posting to two or three units for a few days each. . .
Among others expected to visit the army soon are Sgt. Bill Ferguson of Peterborough, Ont., who has asked for the Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders; Sgt. B. W. Evans, Porcupine, Ont, who wants to see some Ontario tank men, and Sgt. John Chapin, Brantford, an Ontario battery.
The main problem in an operational squadron is to work out a plan whereby enough seasoned pilots will be kept on duty while the army visits are taking place.
Commanding officers also have to consider other men being away on leave. The army will return the compliment, sending men to air stations for a. better understanding of the air force's problems.
It sounded like a terrific battle the way F/L Frank (Bitsy) Grant of Brockville, Ont., was describing it to a group of officers in the mess. . . He was waving his arms excitedly
"This big job flew up right in front of us," he said. "We let him have it with everything we had, but he got away."
It turned out that Grant, a former boxing star at Queen's University, Kingston, Ont., was telling about a pheasant-shooting safari he and several other Canadian pilots had organized that foggy afternoon, when all fighter planes on the station were grounded. . . . They saw lots of birds, but didn't bring any down.
"We didn't get a single destroyed," he said. "I don't think we even got a probable. I think we did have one damaged."
Accompanying F/L Grant on the shooting trip (to a near-by estate which had been made available to Canadian airmen) were S/Ls Knobby Fee of the Engine-Busters and Keith Hodson of another Canadian Spitfire squadron, F/L Fred Kelly of Beaverton, Ont. and Sgt. B. W. Evans of Porcupine, Ont.
With the R.C.A.F. Somewhere in England, Jan. I8, 1943 - (CP Cable) - Adding to the fury of Britain's renewed aerial assault on the enemy, Canadian Spitfire pilots Sunday destroyed four German fighters, damaged a number of others and successfully attacked several locomotives inside France in their biggest day's operations of recent months.
Three Planes Missing
Pilots from three Canadian squadrons took part in the operations, which ended in what several described as one of the biggest dogfights they had been in.
Three Canadian planes are missing.
The Canadian squadrons were led by S/Ls Bud Malloy, of Halifax; Fred Kelly, of Beaverton, Ont., and Keith Hodson, D.F.C., of London, Ont. While some planes remained thousands of feet over France to guard against enemy fighters, designated pilots dived for attacks on trains and buildings with cannon and machine-gun fire. In some cases a lone pilot would attack a locomotive. Varying the technique for other cases; a succession of machines streaked in for one attack after another, and pilots on watch high up reported plumes of steam from damaged engines rising up at a number of points.
Kelly; F/L Dick Ellis, of Montreal; P/O M. Johnston, of Selkirk, Man., and P/O Ed Gimbel, of Chicago, shot down the fighters.
"I got in about a three-second burst at one coming almost head-on," said Ellis. "I saw him go right into the ground!”
P/O L. W. Powell, of Edmonton, a D.F.C.-decorated engine-buster with more than a score of locomotives to his credit, added another when he raked a freight train from end to end.
Sgt W. J. (Jock) Kinniard, of 12424 102nd street, Edmonton, flew No. 2 with Powell, and said: "I saw only a big cloud of smoke on the first run and could not see anything to shoot at after Powell had gone over the engine ahead of me.”
On the second run Kinniard managed to get in a burst of fire at the engine, while Powell was strafing a gun post near the tracks.
Had to Race For Home
P/O Bob Earle, of 60 East Drive, Victoria, B.C., and Sgt. A. M. B. Ketterson, of 3652 Northcliffe Avenue, Montreal, damaged an engine at the outskirts of a shunting yard. On the way out Earle fired at three Focke-Wulf 190's and later was attacked by three others when without ammunition. He had to race for home.
F/L Barry Needham, of Wynyard, Sask., shared in attacks on two locomotives with Sgt. G. L. Marshal, of 2982 West 3rd avenue, Vancouver, and P/O K. I. Robb, of Lachine, Que.
F/L J. D. Hall, of 3 Ridgeway road, Toronto, attacked three trains. Other locomotives were fired on by F/O Hugh Godefroy, of 3 Oriole Parkway, Toronto; F/L Frank Grant, of Brockville; F/O Dave McKay of Winnipeg, and Sgt. E. J. Levesque, of 71 Melrose Avenue, Ottawa.
Up top, engagements with enemy fighters were going on while the Spitfires thundered back and forth at a low altitude for their strafing activities.
"The one I got came at me from an angle," said Johnston. "I pulled away from him and saw tracers going by me. Then I got behind him and got in a long burst."
P/O E. J. Roff, of Richmond, Que., scored damage on two enemy aircraft during the fray, and Malloy and P/O D. J. McCrimmon, of Sylvan Lake, Alta., each scored a single damaged.
Godefroy notched strikes on two enemy fighters in addition to a locomotive he hit earlier. Others damaging Nazi fighters were F/L D. G. Murray, D.F.C., of Halifax, and Sgt. Frank B. Evans, of South Porcupine, Ont.
Altogether it was a great day for Canadians in the fighter command and the boys were in great spirits as their planes shuttled off for the channel crossing after news got around that the R.A.F. had been over Berlin the previous night.
HODSON, W/C Keith Louis Bate (C807) - Bar to DFC - No.401 Sq.
Award effective 17 April 1943 as per London Gazette dated 27 April 1943 and
AFRO 985/43 dated 28 May 1943.
This officer has commanded the wing for nearly two months and during that time has led it on eighteen operational missions. He has had a long and distinguished operational career during which he has proved an excellent leader. His keenness and efficiency have been outstanding and are reflected in the high standard of operational efficiency achieved by his unit.
NOTE: Public Record Office Air 2/8945 has the original recommendation - for a Distinguished Service Order - submitted by the Wing Commander in charge of RAF Sector Kenley (undated):
This officer has been on operational flying without a break for just over a year. He commanded No.401 (RCAF) Squadron for eight months and brought it up to a very high standard of efficiency and morale. He took over the Kenley Wing nearly two months ago and since then has led them on some 18 sweeps, making for him a total of 120 sweeps since arriving in England. He is a born leader and demands and gets an exceptionally high standard of efficiency. His great keenness, efficiency and natural abilities have made him a Wing Leader of no ordinary value, and I cannot recommend him too highly for the Distinguished Service Order. he has done 250 operational hours without a break.
On 11 March 1943 the Air Officer Commanding, No.11 Group, rote:
Wing Commander Hodson has had a long and distinguished career, during which he has shown himself to be a very good leader. I do not, however, consider that his record quite merits the award of the Distinguished Service Order, but I strongly recommend him for the immediate award of a Bar to his Distinguished Flying Cross.
On 23 March 1943 the Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Fighter Command, concurred, writing, "Bar to Distinguished Flying Cross recommended".
Ottawa, April 26, 1943 - (CIP) - Air force headquarters tonight announced award of a bar to the Distinguished Flying Cross to Wing Cmdr. Keith Louis Bate Hodson of London, Ont., and the award of DFC's to F/O George Lawrence, Bowsman River, Man.; F/O Gustave H. E. Maloney, Los Angeles, Calif. and F/O Gordon Leonard Shemilt, Heewatin, Ont.
The D.F.M. was awarded Sgt. Joseph Charles Lepine, of Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Que. All those receiving decorations are serving with the RCAF overseas. Hodson won the D.F.C. in September, 1942, when he was cited for his skill as a pilot and the leadership of his squadron. He held the rank of squadron leader at the time.
The citations:
Wing Cmdr. Hodson, D.F.C.: "this officer has commanded the wing for nearly two months and during that time has led it on 18 operational missions, during which he has proved an excellent leader. His keenness and efficiency have been outstanding and are reflected in the high standard of operation efficiency achieved by his unit."
F/O Lawrence: "F/O Lawrence has been flying with this squadron since March, 1942, and has destroyed three enemy aircraft in combat at night. These engagements took place under, difficult circumstances, when this officer proved himself to be a skilful pilot and gunner. He has invariably displayed great keenness for operational flying and has fulfilled his duties most commendably."
F/O Maloney: "This-officer has completed 84 flights, including a, number of sorties over Germany, Northern France and Holland. In the Middle East he has rendered valuable service. Photographs which he obtained over the El Alamein battle zone were an important contribution to the pictorial record, on which the advance was planned.
"On a recent occasion he dived under the balloon defenses in the face of heavy antiaircraft fire to obtain photographs of Italian naval units. This officer is an outstanding pilot whose courage and devotion to duty have been of a high order.
F/O Shemilt: "This officer has completed 42 sorties, including a number of attacks on airfields and lines of communication in Northern France and the Low Countries. In the Middle East he has achieved much success in attacks on road and rail transport.
"In a sortie in February 1943, P/O Shemilt shot down a Junkers 88. The same night he reported the presence of a big convoy near Maritimo. The convoy was later attacked with great success by torpedo-carrying aircraft. This officer has at all times displayed great skill, determination and devotion to duty."
Sgt. Lepine: "This airman participated in operations over Europe before being posted to North Africa. He has proved himself to be an efficient wireless operator and fully contributed to the successes achieved by his crew. Sgt. Lepine has constantly displayed courage and devotion to duty."
London, Ont., June 29, 1943 — (CP) — An estimated 20,000 persons — one in every four here — have moved to London during the past three years, a shifting population being war's most visible mark in this city. A further 14,000 left the city during the same period for service with the armed forces.
At least half a dozen Londoners have gained the Distinguished Flying Cross for service against the enemy and scores of others have received efficiency medals and citations of one kind or another. Those awarded the D.F.C. were F/L Robert R. Smith, W/C D. A. R. Bradshaw, W/C Keith Louis Hodson, F/L John Ingamells, F/L R. D. Grassick and F/L Bradley Walker.
An additional half-dozen from the city have been awarded the Order of the British Empire.
HODSON, W/C Keith Louis Bate, DFC (C807) - Distinguished Flying Cross (US) - Overseas
Award effective 17 July 1943 as per London Gazette dated 20 July 1943 and
AFRO 644/44 dated 24 March 1944.
Public Records Office Air 2/ 9599 has USAAF 8th Air Force General Order No.104 dated 16 July 1943 which gives citation.
For extraordinary achievement while participating in more than twenty combat missions in conjunction with United States Army Air Force bomber operations. Displaying great courage and skilful airmanship, Wing Commander Hodson has zealously sought out the enemy and engaged him in aerial combat. His actions on all occasions reflect the highest credit upon himself and the Armed Forces of His Majesty's government.
With the RCAF in Britain, July 6, 1944 — Many Canadian ground crew were flown to the fighting front when units of the R.A.F. Tactical Air Force were getting established at airfields in France. They are the members of the “air lift” parties and were flown to the front in Dakota transports instead of waiting for the slower surface trip cross the Channel.
In charge of "air lift" arrangements on the R.C.A.F. airfield commanded by W/C Keith Hodson, D.F.C. and Bar, is F/L W. V. Rintoul, Creemore, Ont., former munitions inspector at Ottawa.
Rintoul and a few key men remained behind after the advance party went in to prepare landing strips on the Continent to super vise maintenance of Spitfires still operating from Britain. As soon as a permanent base was established in the invaded territory the "air lift" men were transported by Dakotas to their new base.
Prior to invasion the crews had made practice flights and they arranged to carry their own personal kit and that of the fighter pilots.
"The boys like the idea,” said Rintoul. "Many of them have been trying to make aircrew, while some who were on bomber squadrons were complaining that they never got any flips at fighter stations."
Crews primed for the move included those of F/S R. H. D. Miller, Glencoe and F/S M. L. Lang of 385 Olive Ave., Oshawa, Grizzly Bear Squadron ground crewmen. Working with F/L Rintoul is F/O T. R. Yaeger, 2578 Dundas St. W., Toronto, permanent force engineering officer.
Other ground crewmen who eagerly anticipated their air trip info the battle area were Sgt. J. A. McMullen, 1529 Gladstone Ave., Windsor, and LAC. K. Snowball, 98½ Eaton Ave., Toronto.
By KENNETH C. CRAGG, Ottawa, July 9, 1944 — (Staff) — Take it from one who has flown and fought with him, W/C James E. (Johnny) Johnson, leading Allied ace in the Western European theatre, comes as fine as they're made in a field in which there is tough competition.
Which is simply a prelude to the question of why an R.A.F. man is commanding an R.C.A.F. Spitfire formation that is so full of Canadians that it could he called an all-Canada outfit with only the slightest exaggeration. Johnson, who at the latest reading had 35 Nazis to his credit, is the exaggeration.
When it was put to S/L D. G. (Bud) Malloy at R.C.A.F. headquarters, who has a D.F.C. and won’t admit it, that one-time fighter pilot immediately assumed a frankly pained expression and barely caught himself from snapping back: "Why not?"
Just Natural
Instead, he took this reporter gently by the hand and, with all the authority of an officer who is now in charge of flying training, made it clear that Johnny Johnson is just as naturally with an R.C.A.F. wing as a lot of R.C.A.F. men are with R.A.F. formations — and commanding them too.
It all goes back, so far as this particular wing is concerned, to the days when there were not enough Canadians to make it an all-Canadian formation. They started off with W/C Brian Kingcome, D.S.O., D.F.C. and Bar, one of those hardy Battle of Britain fighters. Kingcome is a group captain in Italy now.
Then, when he went off for a rest, there was W/C Clarke (Knobby) Fee, D.F.C. and Bar, of the R.C.A.F. Fee came from Winnipeg and when he went missing, he was succeeded by W/C Keith Hodson, D.F.C. and Bar, and D.F.C. (U.S.), also of the R.C.A.F. When Hodson was taken off operations, Johnny Johnson took over. He did one tour with the wing, went out for a rest, and came back for another tour.
"Now," suggested Malloy "what is there more natural than that."
Popular With Canadians
To make it more natural, he told how Fee was the first Canadian to lead an R.A.F. squadron and how Hodson once flew as No. two to the late W/C Paddy Finucane, who had a score of 33 before he was knocked down in action.
And to make it clearer, or at least to indicate that there is something closer between the airmen of the Commonwealth than the cut and color of their uniforms, Malloy himself used to fly off Finucane's station.
"Johnny," said the squadron leader, "first came to the wing in April, 1943. He was very well liked by the Canadian boys, and he struck me as being very much like Paddy Finucane who was one of the best men who ever lived and a marvelous kid on top of that.
"Johnny is like Paddy in this; he seems to be almost able to smell them out and wherever he is you can count on a good scrap. Like Paddy, he seems to have that faculty of being in the right place at the right time."
Escorted Fortresses
Johnston had a fair score when he came to the wing. He won his D.S.O. with the Canadians, and got many of his credits while escorting Flying Fortresses.
"And," said Malloy, "don't let anybody kid you, that is a tough job."
Malloy remembers well the day Finucane was knocked down. They had been shooting up transportation and Finucane's plane was hit at a low level and he crashed into the sea. The squadron's main task was to protect the rescue boats from Nazi planes. There were 10 R.C.A.F. Spitfires and about 25 Huns.
"It was," said Malloy, "a hell of a scrap."
Malloy is a Halifax man and joined up the day war was declared. He trained at Camp Borden and instructed for some time at Uplands. He got his transfer to operational in January, 1942.
Grimsby, Ont., July, 31, 1944 — Veteran of 140 operational flights and former commanding officer of the first Royal Canadian Air Force fighter squadron overseas, Wing-Cmdr. Keith Hodson, D.F.C. and Bar; also the United States D.F.C., is back in Canada on furlough. He arrived at the home of his parents, Brigadier Vernon Hodson and Mrs. Hodson, of Grimsby, on Saturday night. One of Canada's noted airmen, Wing-Cmdr. Hodson was in command of one of the first Canadian wings to go to France following the invasion. Hard Fighting Ahead |
![]() Hodson in earlier days |
Won't Discuss Exploits
The tall, curly-haired, quiet-spoken wing commander just would not talk about any of his own exploits in the air. About all he would say was: "I was on fighter sweeps over France and escorting United States Fortresses on their early raids — nothing outstanding at all." He didn't tell about leading his squadron in attacks on German trains or about leading the squadron over Dieppe on an escort assignment with American Flying Fortresses, then, after meeting stiff opposition going out on a second assignment to add five probables to the squadrons score. Nor did he tell about his own fights with Focke-Wulf 190's, Dornier 217's and other enemy aircraft; or about the part he played in the Battle of Britain.
There is one thing he is really proud of and that is the fact that he flew into battle many times alongside the late Paddy Finucane, ace RAF flyer of this war.
Wing-Commander Hodson is one of a military family. His father Brigadier Vernon Hodson, who was in command of the 1st Canadian Brigade overseas for a time, is a permanent force officer, and formerly commanded the Royal Canadian Regiment. He has two brothers, Major V. N. Hodson and Major I. A. Hodson, both permanent force officers in the regiment formerly commanded by their father. Major V. N. Hodson has returned from overseas and is now stationed on the east coast. Major I. A. Hodson is at present overseas.
Has Been Honored
Decorations was another thing, he wouldn't talk about. "I had a good squadron and got paid for it, that's about all," he said. The official citations tell the tale.
The award of the Distinguished Flying Cross, made in September, 1942, when he held the rank of squadron Leader, was referred to in the following terms: "This officer has participated in a large number of sorties. He is a skilful pilot whose personal example has inspired the squadron he commands. Much of the success it has achieved can be attributed to Squadron Leader Hodson's excellent leadership."
The award of the bar to the D.F.C., made in March, 1943, was accompanied by this citation: "This officer has commanded the wing for nearly two months and during that time has led it on 18 operational missions. He has had a long and distinguished operation career during which he has proved an excellent leader. His keenness and efficiency have been outstanding and are reflected in the high standard of operation efficiency achieved by his unit."
The United States D.F.C. was awarded "for an extraordinary achievement while participating in more than 20 combat missions in conjunction with United States Army Air Force operations. He displayed great courage and skilful airmanship."
A pre-war pilot, he joined the R.C.A.F. permanent force on January 3, 1938. He took his training at Trenton, graduating as a pilot tin March, 1939. He then took an instructor's course at Winnipeg. In May of the same year he was sent to Camp Borden as an instructor, and later to the Central Flying School at Trenton. In December, 1939, the Commonwealth Air Training Plan came into being and he was on the staff at Uplands - the first Service Flying Training School opened. From there he went to No. 8 S.F.T.S. at Moncton, where he became chief instructor. He went overseas in November, 1941, as second pilot of a Liberator. After a period at an operational training unit, learning tricks of the fighter pilot's trade, he was posted to an R.A.F. squadron commanded by Paddy Finucane. Three months later he was posted to the 1st Canadian Fighter Squadron which he later commanded.
HODSON, W/C Keith Louis Bate, DFC (C807) - Officer, Order of the British Empire
No.126 Wing (now Overseas Headquarters, attached 9th USAAF)
Award effective 1 January 1945 as per London Gazette of that date and
AFRO 132/45 dated 26 January 1945.
Public Records Office Air 2/8872 has recommendation.
Wing Commander Hodson had commanded No.126 (RCAF) Wing for a period of twelve months when he relinquished it shortly after successfully establishing it on the Continent. Despite great difficulties he organized it with extreme efficiency and he was one of the first commanders to operate aircraft from an airfield in France. He was then transferred to another wing and moved on to the third airfield to become available, where he again displayed outstanding energy and enthusiasm, on occasions under enemy shell fire. His determination and tireless devotion to duty contributed greatly to the successful early operations of aircraft from Normandy.
Jan. 2, 1945 - Wing Cmdr Hodson is a son of Brigadier and Mrs Vernon Hodson, of Grimsby. One of Canada's noted airmen, Wing Commander Hodson, previously awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and Bar, and also the United States Distinguished Flying Cross, enlisted in the RCAF permanent force on January 3, 1938. He graduated as a Pilot at Trenton in March 1939. After (five words unreadable) he served at Camp Borden and at the Central Flying School, Trenton. In December 1939, after the Commonwealth Air Training Plan came into being, he was on the staff at Uplands — the first school open under the plan. From there he went to No. 8 SFTS, Moncton where he was chief instructor. He went overseas m November, as second pilot of a Liberator, and after a period at an operational training unit was posted to an RAF squadron Three months later he was posted to the first Canadian Fighter Squadron, which he later commanded.
A veteran of 140 operational flights, he spent a month's furlough at the home of his parents in Grimsby last summer. He was in command of one of the first Canadian wings to go to France following the invasion.
He comes of a military family. His father, Brigadier Vernon Hodson, was in command of the First Canadian Brigade overseas for a time, and formerly commanded the Royal Canadian Regiment. His two brothers, Major V. N. Hodson and Major I. A. Hodson, are both permanent force officers in the regiment formerly commanded by their father
17 Aug 1942 |
one FW190 one FW190 one Do17 1/2 FW190 |
damaged damaged damaged destroyed |
10 miles W of Rouen Over Dieppe & 10 miles N of Dieppe shared w/ Ed Gimbel |
0.5 / 0 / 3
Feb 28, 1946 - When the SS Aquitania docks at Halifax on March 3, she will be carrying 286 dependants of Royal Canadian Air Force men. The following will be coming to Hamilton or district.
Mrs. Margaret Inez Armstrong, wife of Cpl, J. C. Armstrong, 96 Balsam avenue south; Mrs. Mary-Kathleen Davis, wife of L.A.C. B. H. Davis, 48 Ottawa street south; Mrs. Edna Hodson, wife of W/C K. L. B. Hodson, O.B.E., D.F.C. and Bar, Grimsby, Ont.; Mrs. Elsie Hopkins, wife of P/O D. L. Hopkins, 159 Prospect, street south; Mrs. Dorothy Jamison, wife of W/O2 R. A. Jamison, Milton, Ont.; Mrs. Catherine L. Lefroy, wife of F/L H. K. Lefroy, Oakville, Ont.; Mrs. Clarice McComb, wife of W/O2 S. R. McComb, 23 Oak avenue.
On the SS Letitia, which its scheduled to dock at Halifax on March 4, carrying 179 dependants of Royal Canadian Air Force personnel, the following will be coming to Hamilton or district:
Mrs. Kathleen Gladman and her son, Timothy, wife of Cpl. E. J. Gladman, 21 Tuckett street; Mrs. Brenda Mary White and her son, N. Robert, wife of W/O1 F. F. White, 166 Burris street; Mrs. Audrey Barbara M. Woods and her daughter Patricia M., wife of Cpl. D. S. Woods, 320 Main street west.
HODSON, G/C Keith Louis Bate, OBE, DFC (807) - Croix de Guerre with Gold Star (France)
AFRO 485/47 dated 12 September 1947.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. 6 July 1960 — Air Vice-Marshal Keith L. B. Hodson of the R.C.A.F., one of Canada's most promising air staff officers and the second highest ranking Canadian with NORAD, was killed late Tuesday while parachuting from a disabled jet trainer a few miles from this huge Strategic Air Command base.
A spokesman for the North American Air Defence Command said Air Vice-Marshal Hodson, who served 22 years with the R.C.A.F., either broke his neck or was strangled in the cords of his parachute.
An autopsy was scheduled today to determine the exact cause of death.
This is the second tragic incident this year to reduce top ranks of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Air Commodore J. G. Stephenson, formerly of Windsor, was killed this spring when his plane crashed in Lake Michigan, near Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Stephenson, formerly of Windsor, was killed this spring when his plane crashed in Lake Michigan, near Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The handsome and popular Hodson, who looked much younger than his 44 years, was being checked out on a training flight by Col. Harry B. Allen, also 44, of Portland, Ore., when the engine of their T-33 jet trainer failed at about 13,000 feet.
Both men jumped 12 miles south of here and landed in an open field. But gusty winds hampered their landing. Col. Allen said he saw the Canadian being pushed along in the tangled lines of his parachute.
The Canadian was dead when the American reached him. Col. Allen suffered cuts and bruises and was taken to hospital for observation.
Acquaintances considered Air Vice-Marshal Hodson one of the most promising of younger R.C.A.F. officers, and there had been speculation he was in line for the post of chief of air staff in the not-too-distant future.
The picture type of airman in this modern-day jet age, he had a warm personality and was well liked and respected within the service.
He came to NORAD 20 months ago, and as deputy chief of staff of the joint Canadian-American defense body was the second highest ranking Canadian behind Air Marshal C. Roy Slemon of the R.C.A.F., deputy commander-in-chief of NORAD.
Before that, he was commander of the R.C.A.F. staff college in Toronto and was chief of R.C.A.F. organization and management at Ottawa.
His jet flight Tuesday was for proficiency and familiarization purposes.
He is survived by his widow and two children, Robert, 13, and Suzanne, 5, and his mother, a resident of Vancouver.
He had been in the R.C.A.F. since 1938, and served in Europe during the war as commander of 401 R.C.A.F. Fighter Squadron and 126 Fighter Wing. He led 126 to the continent after the Normandy invasion and served with the U.S. 9th Tactical Air Force toward the end of the war as liaison officer.
Air Vice-Marshal Hodson returned to the continent in postwar years to organize the Canadian air division in NATO and became its chief staff officer in 1952, with headquarters at Metz, France.
In 1954, he took over as chief staff officer for the air defense command at St. Hubert, Que., and then was commander of the R.C.A.F. staff college. He was assigned to NORAD Oct. 31, 1958. He held the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Canadian Air Force Decoration and the Order of the British Empire.
His father, Brigadier Vernon Hodson, at one time commanded the Royal Canadian Regiment, and two brothers, Major V. N. Hodson and Major I. A. Hodson, were both permanent force officers in that regiment.
NEWS FLASH IN BRIEFJuly 15, 1960 - AVM Keith L. B. Hodson, RCAF, who lost his life in a T-33 accident near Colorado Springs on July 5, had been Deputy Chief of Staff at North American Air Defence Command (NORAD) headquarters since 1958. After experiencing engine failure and bailing out, his parachute caught on the tailplane and he was dragged down with his ship. AVM Hodson during WWII |
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All content should be considered the property of the contributers and/or The Canadian Fighter Pilot & Air Gunner Museum - unless otherwise noted |