
Johnson & his Nav E.L. Greenwood in front of Ferocious Freddie
Air Veteran of 4 Fronts Among 16 Decorated
Ottawa, Nov. 29 (CP) — A navigator who took part in torpedo bombing attacks from North Russia, returned to England to participate in attacks against Germany, then went to North Africa and Italy with the R.C.A.F. bombing wing, is among 14 Canadian airmen awarded Distinguished Flying Crosses, the R.C.A.F. announced tonight.
He is F/L W. K. McGregor of Port Arthur. Twelve of his comrades awarded D.F.C.'s have taken part in operations against Italy, flying from England, North Africa and Sicily.
In addition, two airmen have been awarded Distinguished Flying Medals it was announced.
McGregor's experiences while serving in three theatres of war include a crash landing in the desert and one in the sea. But, his citation says, his enthusiasm for operational flying "remains undiminished."
The awards:
F/L G. B. Leddy, Calgary.
F/L W. H. Earl, Valcarris, Sask.
F/L D. Ramsay, Alberni, B.C.
F/L R. G. Bell, Vancouver.
F/O J. L. G. Taschereau, Quebec.
F/O V. D. Ardis, Cornava, Cal.
F/L W. H. McGregor, 103 Peter St., Port Arthur.
F/O J. W. Lauro, Chicago.
F/O J. F. Lenihan, Saint John, N.B.
P/O R. E. MacKenzie, Regina.
F/O J. K. Easson, 110 Delaware Ave., Toronto.
P/O J. A. L. Johnson, Edmonton.
P/O F. C. Derry, Toronto.
P/O A. B. Morabito, Creston, B.C.
P/O (then Sgt.) D. H. Parker, Lower Granville, N.S.
F/Sgt W. O. Jackson, Edmonton.
Born in Ponoka, Alberta, 22 February 1915
Home in Edmonton
Enlisted in Calgary
Trained at
No.2 ITS (graduated 26 February 1941)
No.5 EFTS (graduated 3 May 1941) &
No.10 SFTS (graduated 8 August 1941 as Sgt.)
Posted for embarkation, 9 August 1941
To RAF overseas, 27 August 1941
Promoted Flight Sergeant, 8 February 1942
Commissioned 19 June 1943
Promoted Flying Officer, 19 December 1943
Repatriated to Canada, 20 July 1945
To Northwest Air Command, 22 July 1945
To Western Air Command, 28 February 1947
Released 5 March 1947
Re-engaged by RCAF as an Education Officer on
10 Jan. 1955, serving in the rank of F/O until
14 November 1962 (# 301154) when he
Retired to Rycroft, Alberta |
JOHNSON, P/O Joseph Albert Lawless (J18070) - DFC - No.108 Squadron
Award effective 23 November 1943 as per London Gazette dated 30 November 1943 and
AFRO 166/44 dated 28 January 1944.
During the recent period of intensive air activity over Sicily this officer destroyed three enemy aircraft and probably destroyed one more. Since his arrival in this theatre of war he has completed a large number of operational missions and has at all times displayed exceptional keenness and determination.
Victories Include :
22/23 July 1943
4/5 August 1943
18/19 Aug 1943 |
one Ju 88
one He111
one Ju 88
one Ju 87 |
probable |
E of Augusta (V8836, "E")
Malta area (V8836, "E")
Sicily (??300,"C") |
3 / 1 / 0
All with 108 Sqn. All with Beaufighters.
His radar operator for the tour was F/O E.L. Greenwood (RAF)