
Frank Jones in the Darlington Spitfire
London, April 29, 1942 — (CP Cable) — The King chatted with three Canadian airmen on a visit to fighter command stations in the south of England today. He watched the start and finish of a successful R.A.F. sweep, which took Empire flyers to Dunkerque where they covered bombing attacks.
Inspecting one Spitfire squadron before the takeoff, His Majesty stopped to talk to P/O Frank Jones, of Sherbrooke, Que., a former salesman in Vancouver, and F/L Bill Stock, 20, of Ottawa, the only two Canadian members of the squadron.
He asked them if they had been trained in Canada and the number of sweeps they had been on.
The King motored to another aerodrome where half an hour later he saw the Spitfires roaring back. He congratulated a New Zealand flyer, Flight-Sgt. Tony Robson, who told him he had hit a Focke-Wulf 190 which plunged to earth emitting smoke.
Squadron-Ldr. Keith Hodson, 26, of London, Ont., attached to the squadron of famed "Paddy" Finucane which the King also visited, told the King he had "chased a few (enemy planes), but didn't catch anything." Hodson is a veteran of more than 20 sweeps
Born 6 Sept. 1916 in Abbotsford or Cloverdale, B.C.
Home in Sherbrooke, Quebec.
Enlisted in Vancouver, 16 October 1940.
Trained at
No.1 ITS (graduated 4 March 1941),
No.4 EFTS, (graduated 4 May 1941) &
No.6 SFTS (graduated 27 July 1941).
Awarded wings, 27 July 1941.
Posted overseas in August 1941.
Served in No.72 Squadron (Nov. 1941 to May 1942).
Sent via HMS Eagle to Malta.
With No.249 Squadron (3 June to 27 October 1942).
Returned to Canada, December 1942 and
Instructed at No.1 OTU, March 1943 to October 1944.
On staff of Overseas HQ, Oct. 1944 to Sept. 1945.
Released 27 November 1945.
In all he flew 152 sorties
(155.25 operational hours incl. 85 hours from Malta).
He was shot down once, Force-landed twice
& Shot up several times. |
D.F.C. Awarded to Four For Gallantry in Raids
Ottawa, Oct. 5, 1942 - (CP) - Award of four Distinguished Flying Crosses and one Distinguished Flying Medal to members of the Royal Canadian Air Force overseas was announced officially today by R.C.A.F. headquarters. Award of a Bar to the Distinguished Flying Cross to Squadron Leader Robert Clare Bissett of Edmonton, a member of the Royal Air Force, and now reported a casualty, was also announced.
The decorated R.C.A.F. personnel included Acting Flight Lieutenant J. P. Sabourin of St. Isidore de Prescott, Ont.; Flying Officer Allan Ivan Watt of Calgary; Flight Lieutenant F. E. Jones of Cloverdale, B.C.; and Flight. Lieutenant H. W. McGee of Regina, who won the Distinguished Flying Cross, and Flight Sergeant Bruce Campbell McNab of Milton, Ont., awarded the Distinguished Flying Medal.
Squadron Leader Bissett's citation covering the award of the Bar to his Distinguished Flying Cross, effective from Nov. 23, 1941, read: "This officer now has completed his second tour of operations and has helped to form a new squadron. He has led his flight in an exemplary manner, participating in most difficult and lengthy sorties. He has outstanding qualities of leadership and has set a fine example by his skill and courage. He has participated in many raids on German industrial targets." Squadron Leader Bissett was officially reported as presumed dead on Nov. 30, 1941.
Cited for "Excellent Work"
Flight Lieutenant Sabourin was cited for his "excellent work" and credited with destruction of four enemy aircraft and one assist. His Distinguished Flying Cross award is effective from Sept. 28, 1942. Flight Lieutenant Sabourin was officially listed last Sept. 26 as killed on active service.
Has Had More Success Than Any Other R.A.F. Air Squadron
Verdun Ace Described as Canada's Sharpest-Eyed Airman; Makes Certain of His Targets
London, 29 October 192 - (CP Cable) - A Canadian-led Spitfire squadron which George Beurling of Verdun, Que., Canada's sharpest-eyed airman, flies in Malta's defence, was described today as the highest-scoring fighter formation in the Royal Air Force.
The Squadron, commanded by S/L "Timber" Woods of Vancouver, was so largely manned during the past summer by Canadians that its few English pilots were nicknamed "the Free Englishmen."
F/L Frank Jones, D.F.C., of Vancouver, who fought over Malta during the summer months and was Beurling's Flight Commander, reported today to R.C.A.F. headquarters here on the squadron's top-notch performance.
Jones, whose personal air score is five destroyed and several probables and damaged, has just arrived in London from the Middle East. In hospital during the most recent attacks on Malta, he declared it was "annoying" to have to sit on the sidelines while his mates were scoring the successes for which many of them have recently been decorated.
Canadians he mentioned included F/L John McElroy of Kamloops, B.C.; P/O Jack Williams of Chilliwack. B.C.; F/L Henry McLeod of Regina, all holders of the Distinguished Flying Cross, and F/S Ian MacLennan of Gull Lake, Sask., a winner of the Distinguished Flying Medal.
"What a guy," said Jones of Beurling, who has become a hero throughout the Empire with a record of 29 Axis aircraft destroyed - 26 of them over Malta.
"One day we went out to escort a convoy which was coming to Malta. Between us, Beurling and I destroyed a Junkers-88 (bomber). By the time we had finished that combat we had been flying a long time and had not much petrol left.
"I told Beurling we had to return immediately to base. He complained bitterly that there was a large formation of Messerschmitt 109's two or three thousand feet below us. He wanted to go down and knock off a few.
"I refused and repeated it was imperative we return to base immediately. He argued a little and finally agreed to come home. It was getting dark anyway, he said.
"When we landed, I had five gallons of petrol in my tank, he had three. If we had stayed to beat up the 109's we would have spent the night in the drink."
Jones said Beurling's extraordinary skill as a pilot, combined with a perfect shooting eye, are enough to leave anybody open-mouthed.
"I have seen him on the tail of a 109 getting in very close," Jones said. "He's making sure he is dead on the target before he fires his guns. A second 109 comes in behind Beurling, fires and pulls away over his head.
"Beurling does not take his eyes off the aircraft in front of him until he is certain it’s a goner. Then like a flask of lightning he banks away, pulls up his nose, and gives the second 109 a burst of cannon shells right in the belly.
"Both Jerries go straight down into the sea. That's Beurling."
Explaining that Beurling, one of the air war's top scorers, belongs to the R.A.F. Jones said that McLeod, with the destruction of 13, is top R.C.A.F. man in the Spitfire Squadron at Malta. McLeod got much of his experience in 45 sweeps over northern France.
Jones said Malta's best night fighter is F/L Robert Carl Fumerton of Fort Coulogne, Que., whose score at the last count was 12, including one a night, four nights in a row.
Fiercest Raids of War Driven Home
London, April 29, 1944 (AP) — Trondheim and Kiel, important bases for the menacing Nazi naval power, were left blasted and burned today by heavy R.A.F. assaults as Britain relentlessly prosecuted the fiercest air offensive of the war.
Nine British bombers were lost in the overnight raids, which included attacks on Low-Country airdromes and a power plant at Ghent, Belgium.
The R.A.F.'s figure raised its April bomber losses to 137, but the offensive score included a three-hour raid on Trondheim Monday night, four nights of deadly assault which all but erased from the map the German Baltic port and factory town or Rostock, and incessant day and night blows against points along the Nazi "invasion coast."
The blows against German strong points on the French coast continued today. Boston (Douglas) bombers, supported by Spitfire fighters-bombers, lashed at Dunkirk and shot down two Nazi fighters while losing two themselves.
The King visited the airdromes in the South of England from where the Spitfires took off, stopping to chat during his inspection with three Canadian members of the attacking forces — Pilot Officer Frank Jones of Sherbrooke, Que., Flight Sergeant Bill Stock of Ottawa and Squadron Leader Keith Hodson of London, Ont., veteran of more than twenty sweeps across the Channel.
On his return, Hodson told the King he had chased a few enemy planes but "didn't catch anything."
Last night's raid on Trondheim, second in succession, emphasized British concern over the presence in that Norwegian port of the German battleship Tirpitz and several other warships on the flank of the vital supply route to Murmansk, Russia.
The Air Ministry told of great fires started at Kiel, but was hesitant to claim great damage at Trondheim.
Other reports reaching London said Rostock was an ash heap, its 90,000 population fled or dead, with only firemen and a few troops left to rake the ruins and combat looters
Passengers in a plane from Britain to Stockholm were quoted as saying they could see Rostock burning 250 miles distant.
The destruction and death toll were declared in German reports via Zurich to be far above those of Lubeck, which was estimated to have been 40 per cent destroyed in a raid March 28.
Informed British sources said the Lubeck and Rostock raids already had dislocated German transportation to an extent noticeable on the Northern Russian front.
Accompanying the tremendous British raids on the Continent, the R.A.F. Fighter Command is carrying on a steady campaign of attrition against German plane strength in Western Europe.
Thus far in April, fighters have swept across the Channel sixteen times, shooting down fifty-three German planes. The R.A.F. loss was seventy-nine, higher than the Germans primarily because of the greater distance from home bases.
This loss, informed persons said, would have been "catastrophic in 1940," but now can be carried easily because the Fighter Command still has untapped reserves of planes and pilots.
So marked has become the British air superiority within fighter range over the Continent that Major Oliver Stewart, a foremost air expert said, "From the air side alone — and I make no comment on land or sea problems — invasion operations on the Continent seem practicable."
Major Stewart declared invasion would entail heavy air losses meeting the "high mobility" of German air strength, but said, "If the Germans moved many air units from the East our invasion attempt would be justified on account of easing the burden of the Soviet Union."
JONES, F/L Frank Everett (J15327) - Distinguished Flying Cross - No.249 Squadron
Award effective 19 September 1942 as per London Gazette dated 13 October 1942 and
AFRO 1690/42 dated 23 October 1942.
Flight Lieutenant Jones is a vigorous fighter whose ceaselessness in face of odds has served a praiseworthy example. On one occasion in June 1942, during a convoy escort when his formation attacked a large enemy force, Flight Lieutenant Jones destroyed a Junkers 88. On another occasion he led his section in an attack against twelve enemy planes heavily escorted by fighters. Diving down amongst the enemy formation, he shot down a Messerschmitt 109. Although he was attacked from all sides by many fighters, he skilfully frustrated them and, in spite of damage sustained to his aircraft, he succeeded in leading his section safely to base.

(L-R) Laurie Verrall, Les Watts, Chuck Ramsey, Frank Jones & Raoul "Daddy Longlegs"
Daddo-Langlois (seated) are giving up the "gen" to an RAF Intelligence Officer (far R)
Fighter Pilots Awarded DFC for Valor in Battle
London, Oct. 12, 1942 (CP) — Award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to two young Canadian fighter pilots, one of whom was described officially as fearless and the other praised for his inspiring leadership, was announced today by the Royal Air Force. They are F/L F. E. Jones, 26-year-old native of Cloverdale, B.C., whose home is in Sherbrooke, Que., and F/L H. W. McLeod, 27, of Regina.
Jones was described in the citation as a "vigorous fighter whose fearlessness in face of odds sets praiseworthy example." The citation said that during convoy escort duties last June Jones' formation was attacked by a large enemy force and he destroyed a Ju-88. On another occasion he led his section in an attack against twelve aircraft heavily escorted by fighters. Jones dived among the fighters and shot down an ME-109.
"Although he was attacked from all sides by many fighters," the citation said, "he skillfully frustrated them and despite damage sustained by his aircraft he succeeded in leading his section safely to his base."
McLeod was decorated for his part in an engagement with at least twenty ME-109's. The citation said that despite odds McLeod so skillfully led his section during combat that the enemy force was completely broken.
"This officer always has displayed the greatest determination to engage the enemy," the citation related. "He has destroyed at least five and damaged a number of other hostile aircraft. His leadership has been most inspiring."
"Use Lots of Common Sense," Beurling's ex-O.C. Tells Class
Fingal, March 8, 1943 (Special) — The importance of the trained air gunner in a bomber crew was stressed this afternoon by F/L Frank E. Jones, D.F.C., of Sherbrooke, Que., when he presented wings to a class of wireless air gunners from many parts of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the British Isles, at No. 4 Bombing and Gunnery School, Fingal. He presented the wings by special request of Group Capt. G. N. Irwin, commanding officer of No. 14 Service Flying Training School, Aylmer, who attended the ceremony.
F/L Jones only recently returned from overseas service going to the British Isles less than two years ago as a sergeant pilot. He was commander of F/O George (Buzz) Beurling's flight at Malta during the peak of the aerial warfare last year. He advised the graduates today to keep their eyes open, keep their minds working and follow the simple rules of health.
"And use lots of common sense," he added. "Good old horse-sense goes a long way, even on a bombing raid."
The class leader was Jack Goodfellow of 73 Hampton Avenue, Toronto. An engraved fountain pen was presented to him by the school for attaining the highest marks of the class.
Graduates from Ontario included P. J. W. Burns, Ottawa; H. F. B. Cooney, Windsor; J. H. Garvie, Owen Sound; W. J. Wallace, Hamilton.
Canadian Fighter Aces Make Enviable Records
Written for the Canadian Press By F/L BASIL DEAN, RCAF, LONDON, 14 Aug. 1943 — Seventeen Canadian fighter aces of the present war have accounted for more than 220 enemy aircraft in the various theatres of war.
They flew in operations ranging from Dunkirk and the Battle of Britain to the Sicilian campaign. Between them they have won at least 34 decorations for gallantry.
Early in the war a young Canadian fought his way into "Ace" category. He was Willie McKnight, a pilot in the RAF from Calgary, who flew in the famed "All-Canadian" squadron led by W/C Douglas Bader, DSO, who was then a squadron leader.
Over Dunkirk and in the Battle of Britain, McKnight destroyed 16½ enemy aircraft and won the DFC and Bar. He was reported missing in 1941 following one of the early RAF sweeps over France.
With him in those early days flew another Canadian, S/L Stanley Turner, DFC and Bar, of Toronto, who is also in the RAF. Turner, now leader of the City of Windsor Spitfire Squadron in Sicily, was a flight commander in the "All-Canadian" squadron when Bader commanded it. He now has a total "bag" of 14 enemy aircraft destroyed.
During 1941 a third Canadian in the RAF, S/L E.F.J. Charles, DFC and Bar, of Lashburn, Sask., was achieving a big reputation. At the most recent count, Charles has destroyed 15 enemy aircraft, of which six were knocked down in 1941. He is still flying on operations and leading an RAF Spitfire squadron from a British base.
Fighting over Malta during 1942 gave great opportunities to fighter pilots and it is known now that 25 per cent of all fighter pilots on the island during its great bombing ordeal were Canadians.
Leader of them all, of course, is F/O George Beurling, DSO, DFC, DFM and Bar, of Verdun, Que. He has 29 destroyed.
S/L R.C. (Moose) Fumerton, DFC and Bar, of Fort Coulonge, Que., a night fighter, destroyed 13 enemy aircraft, all during darkness.
W/C Mark Brown, DFC and Bar, of Glenboro, Man., who was killed in action in Africa early last year, had destroyed 18 enemy aircraft when he gained the Bar to his DFC. Subsequently he destroyed several more and his total is known to be more than 20.
S/L R.W. (Buck) McNair, DFC and Bar, of North Battleford, Sask., commander of the RCAF Red Indian Spitfire squadron in Britain, has a score of 12 destroyed. He got eight of these over Malta last year, the remaining four on sweeps over northern France since he returned to operations after a rest in Canada.
Most successful RCAF Spitfire pilot over Malta was F/L Henry Wallace McLeod, DFC and Bar, of Regina, with a score of 13 destroyed at the time he left the island.
F/L F.E. Jones, DFC, of Cloverdale, B.C. destroyed seven over the island, left Malta at the same time as his good friend McLeod.
In Malta F/L L. Gosling, DFC and Bar, of Battleford, Sask., began piling up a score towards the end of the campaign and his total at the time of his second award stood at 10. He now is missing.
S/L V.C. Woodward of Victoria, B.C., who joined the RAF in 1938, has destroyed 20 enemy aircraft and now holds the DFC and Bar. He commands an RAF fighter squadron in the Mediterranean theatre.
George Hill of Pictou, N.S., fighting in Sicily at the head of an RAF fighter squadron, has a count of 13 destroyed.
W/C James E. Walker, DFC and two Bars, of Edmonton, is the only member of the RCAF to be awarded the DFC three times. He led an RAF Spitfire squadron in the North African campaign and accounted for 10½ enemy aircraft destroyed.
Also in the North African campaign was F/L J.F. Edwards, DFC, DFM, of Battleford, Sask., whose record at the time of his DFC award stood at eight enemy aircraft destroyed. He now has eight enemy aircraft destroyed.
Top scorers of the RCAF wing in Britain are two members of the Wolf squadron — S/L Hugh Godefroy, DFC, of Toronto, the squadron commander, who has six to his credit, and F/L H.D. MacDonald, DFC, also of Toronto, who has destroyed eight.
Probably the most brilliant fighter pilot who ever flew with the RCAF in Britain was F/L Don Morrison, DFC, DFM, of Vancouver, who now is a prisoner of war. Morrison was awarded the DFM in July this year, several months after he had been shot down over France and suffered loss of a leg. The citation recorded the fact he had destroyed 15 enemy aircraft.
Morrison's score of 15 destroyed puts him at the head of the list of RCAF fighter pilots. The only Canadians ahead of him did their scoring with the RAF.
F/L Jones 'Spitfire Man'
F/L Jones, 26, visited his parents in Abbotsford last January following participation in air battles at Malta when he flew with Beurling.
At that time, he told of watching 10 RCAF Spitfires tear into 80 enemy planes and "when the smoke cleared away, our 10 Spitfires were still riding high."
Jones' reputation in the ranks is reflected in their nick-name for him, "Spitfire man of Malta." He joined the RCAF in 1940 and received the DFC in October 1942.
His brother, Thomas J., is over seas with the RCE.
S/L Woodward, 26, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Woodward, 1587 Fairfield Street, Victoria. Born and educated in Victoria, he joined the RAF in 1938 and was a leading fighter pilot in the Western Desert campaign. He led a fighter squadron over Greece and Crete, and is now back on operations after a year as instructor in Rhodesia. He was awarded the DFC in April 1941, and the Bar was added to it this month.
Victories Include :
27 Mar 1942
6 June 1942
15 June 1942
9 July 1942
11 July 1942
8 Aug 1942
13 Aug 1942 |
one FW190
1/2 Ju88
one Re2001
one Ju88
one Me109
one Me109
one Me109
one Me109
1/3 Ju88 |
destroyed |
(in BR246 coded C-40)
(in BR119)
(in BP869 coded "E")
(in EP448 coded "F") |
4.83 / 0 / 3
Score from Aces High 2nd Ed. by Shores & Williams
the Darlington Spitfire