
Aah, the double hero shot. Archie Powell (UK) & Stan Kernaghan
KERNAGHAN, Sergeant Stanley John (R86106) - DFM - No.252 Squadron
Award effective 25 February 1943 as per London Gazette dated 26 February 1943 &
AFRO 513/43 dated 26 March 1943.
Sergeant Kernaghan is a first-class pilot with a fine operational record. He has participated in very many sorties involving attacks on shipping and transport in the battle area and inflicted much loss and damage. In addition he has destroyed four enemy aircraft. On one occasion during an engagement in which he shot down a Junkers 87, his own aircraft was badly damaged but he flew it safely to base. This airman has displayed courage and determination of a high order.
Born 30 May 1921, Cartwright, Manitoba
Educated there
Enlisted in Winnipeg, 16 December 1940
Trained at
No.2 ITS (graduated 27 March 1941),
No.18 EFTS (graduated 19 June 1941) &
No.12 SFTS (graduated 29 August 1941)
Further trained at
No.31 GRS, Charlottetown
Went overseas, November 1941
Flew with
No.236 Squadron (1 April to 6 May 1942) &
No.252 Sq. Middle East (30 July '42 - 21 April '43)
Completed 67 sorties (267 hours 20 minutes)
Commissioned 18 February 1943
Returned to UK, 1 July 1943
Promoted to F/O 18 August 1943
Instructed at
No.2 (C) OTU until October 1943
Returned to Canada
Extensive service at
No.36 OTU, Greenwood
(24 December 1943 to 30 June 1944) &
No.8 OTU, Greenwood (1 July '44 to 19 March '45)
Promoted to F/L 18 February 1945
Subsequently at
No.2 Air Command, Winnipeg and Station Moncton
Last posting was
No.7 OTU, Debert (14 May to 20 July 1945)
Released on 23 September 1945
Awarded AFC for work at No.8 OTU |
Periods of Leave Begin For Repatriated Fliers
Ottawa, Oct. 25, 1943 - (CP) - Complete with one small dog and 12 decorations, one of the largest groups of airmen returned from overseas now is going through the process of checking out at the R.C.A.F. Repatriation Pool at nearby Rockcliffe Air Station, for leave and duty.
The group includes fliers with long records in operations against the enemy and many ground crew re-mustered for air crew duties and back in Canada for flying training.
At their recent arrival by train at Ottawa, an R.C.A.F. band played as the train pulled in. Members of the Canadian Legion, Mayor Stanley Lewis of Ottawa, George McIlraith, Liberal Member of Parliament for Ottawa West, and a large group of airmen turned out to greet the veterans. Women of the Red Cross, cooperating with the legion, distributed hot tea and coffee, cigarettes, sandwiches and cake.
Group Capt. Geoffrey O'Brian, Officer Commanding the Repatriation Pool through which all returned airmen pass, assured them of a minimum of delay in their passage to leave at home.
The dog was Tommy, property of F/L A.G. Lawrence, D.F.C., of Brandon, a night fighter pilot. His feat in getting the grey, curly-haired dog out of England was considered "something" by his comrades on the home voyage.
Twelve Decorations
In all there were in the party six holders of the Distinguished Flying Cross, two of the Air Force Cross, three of the Distinguished Flying Medal and one of membership in the Order of the British Empire.
Two fighter pilots, who worked for six months or more at Malta during the heat of Mediterranean operations, were F/L J.F. McElroy, D.F.C., of Kamloops, B.C., and F/O J.H. Ballantyne D.F.M., of Toronto.
Other holders of decorations included P/O G.H.A. Marcotte, D.F.C., of Montreal, with two tours of operations and 1,110 hours flying on night bombing operations to his credit; F/L R.I.A. Smith. D.F.C., of Regina, who has shot down six enemy planes; P/O W.R. Shellington, D.F.M., of Brantford; P/O S.J. Kernaghan, D.F.M., of Carttwright, Man., a Coastal Command pilot with four enemy planes to his credit; F/L G.J. Gow, M.B.E., of Lethbridge, who was honored for special technical work in North Africa.
KERNAGHAN, F/O Stanley John, DFM (J17176) - Air Force Cross - No.8 OTU
Award effective 14 June 1945 as per Canada Gazette of that date and
AFRO 1127/45 dated 6 July 1945.
Governor General's Records (RG.7 Group 26, Vol.59, file 190-I, dossier 7) has citation.
When recommended he had flown 1,131 hours, 442 as instructor, 194 in previous six months.
Flying Officer Kernaghan, DFM, has been an instructor on Mosquito aircraft from the time of their first introduction in this country. He has always displayed superior judgment and skill whilst so employed. His work has been in keeping with the highest traditions of the service and this has provided an example and an inspiration to the many pupils who have passed through his capable hands. He has made a valuable contribution to operational training.
Victories Include :
3 Sep 1942
14 Sep 1942
12 Oct 1942
26 Oct 1942
8 Dec 1942 |
one He111
one Ju88
one Ju87
one Ju52
one He111
one Ju88 |
destroyed |
escorting torpedo bombers
during train strafe
escorting torpedo bombers
on convoy patrol |
4 / 1 / 1