
Don MacKenzie relaxes in the chair while Bob Snowdon reads the paper in back and F/O G.T. Edwards shows "Skeeter" to the camera.
Air Awards
Ottawa, Feb. 27, 1945 - (CP) - Air Force Headquarters announced today the award of the bar to the Distinguished Flying Cross to three members of the RCAF serving overseas and the DFC to three others. Ontario recipients:
Bar to the DFC:
F/L W.J. Banks, 88 Hanna Rd., Leaside
F/L C.W. Fox, Dunnville
S/L H.O. Gooding, Ottawa
F/O D.M. MacKenzie, London
Born at Port Stanley, Ontario, 6 May 1921
Enlisted in London, Ontario, 12 September 1940
Trained at
No.2 ITS (graduated 16 December 1940)
No.2 EFTS (graduated 28 May 1941) &
No.10 SFTS (graduated 8 August 1941)
Awarded wings on 8 August 1941
Arrived in UK, 2 September 1941
141 Squadron November 1941 to March 1942
410 Squadron April 1942 to May 1943
Commissioned 29 November 1943
After a non-operational tour & leave in Canada
410 Squadron 7 March 1944 to 27 April 1945
Released from the RCAF 28 September 1945
DFC presented 19 February 1946 |
MacKENZIE, F/O Donald Murdo (J19197) - Distinguished Flying Cross - No.410 Sq.
Award effective 19 February 1945 as per London Gazette dated 27 February 1945 and
AFRO 625/45 dated 13 April 1945.
Now on his second tour of duty this officer has taken part in a large number of operational sorties. He has throughout displayed great skill and determination which, coupled with his fine fighting spirit, have set a splendid example to all. He has destroyed at least three enemy aircraft, four locomotives and two barges.
Victories Include :
29/30 July 1944
30 Nov/1 Dec '44
23/24 Dec 1944 |
one Ju88
one Ju88G
two Ju88s |
destroyed |
4 / 0 / 0
All with George Bodard as Navigator