Squadron Leader Douglas Griffith MORRIS (29099)
Is promoted to the rank of Wing Commander (temporary), 1st March 1941
Born in Margam, South Wales on 3 Dec 1908.
Educated at St John's College, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Got the nickname "Zulu" (& Zuba) because of this.
(Canadian newspapers seemed to think he was from Oakville,
Ontario. I beleieve he was mistaken for another D.G. Morris.
Douglas Granville Morris from Oakville, KIA 8 Feb. 1942.)
Appointed a short service commission on 27 June 1930.
406 (Lynx) Sq. is formed in May 1941 at Acklington.
The 1st RCAF Night-Fighter Sq. formed outside of Canada.
Morris is the Commanding Officer.
Retired 31 March 1966.
Died 26 March 1990.
Older brother of Air Commodore Edward James "Teddy" Morris

Beaufighter V of 406 Squadron RCAF
"On 4 September No 406 Sqn's CO Wg Cdr Morris, with Sgts Rix and Hardy, got airborne in a Beaufighter V at 2200 hrs and landed just before midnight. This was one of the very few operational sorties flown by a turret-armed Beaufighter V. Only R2274 and R2306 were built with a pair of cannon and the four wing-mounted machine guns supplanted by a turret with four 0.303-in guns behind the pilot. The latter drastically reduced performance and the Mk V was abandoned. Morris wrote; 'Chased many aircraft but unable to gain AI contact. The enemy was apparently circling over a large area out to sea off the Tyne, and GCI was unable to bring the fighter into proper contact.'"
Photo & quote from Osprey Aircraft Of The Aces 65 - Beaufighter Aces of WW2
London Gazette #35318 – 21 Oct 1941
Distinguished Flying Cross
W/C Douglas Griffith MORRIS
(29099) - No.406 Squadron
"One night in September, 1941, this officer pursued and destroyed a Junkers 88 about 50 miles out to sea. His aircraft had been hit by the enemy's return fire and one engine put out of action. Wing Commander Morris succeeded, however, in flying back to base on the remaining engine. Two nights later, this officer destroyed a Heinkel 111 and a Dornier during one sortie in spite of intense evasive action by the enemy aircraft. Wing Commander Morris has set a fine example by his determination and skill."
W/C Morris |
Stories on Exploits of Canadian Flyers To Be Released
Nov. 7, 1941 — Wing Cmdr. D. G. Morris, D.F.C., of Oakville, leading a Royal Canadian Air Force squadron in night fighting operations over Britain, destroyed three enemy aircraft, two of them within half an hour on one night, the air ministry announced last night.
Individual Deeds
This information, and an account of some other exploits of individual airmen overseas, was contained in the first official communiqué of the air ministry.
Air Minister Power, giving its content to the House of Commons, said it had been decided that communiqués dealing with activities of Canadian airmen would be issued from time to time.
The communique gave credit for two victories during offensive, sweeps over Nazi-held territory to Pilot Officer G. McClusky, of Sudbury, and Sergeant G. D. Robertson, of Toronto.
Of Wing Commander Morris' victories the communiqué said a "Dornier blew up in the air when hit by cannon fire from the wing commander's guns and pieces of it struck his own aircraft, putting one engine out of action. But he managed to return safely to his base on the remaining motor."
Also mentioned for outstanding work were Sergeant Rix, Flight Lieutenant F. W. Hillock, Toronto, and his observer, Sergeant L. G. Bell, of Montreal, and Pilot Officer Robert Wadds, of Toronto; Flight Lieutenant W. A. Anderson, of Winnipeg, and Sergeant-Pilot J. K. Abbott, of Toronto, and Wing Commander H. M. Tyles.
Following is the air ministry's communique No. 1:
Daylight sweeps by fighter aircraft, escort duties during bombing raids on northern France, heavy night attacks on German territory, and large-scale attacks on enemy shipping have been included in recent activities of squadrons of the Royal Canadian Air Force overseas.
During offensive sweeps over Nazi-held territory one R.C.A.F. fighter squadron accounted for three Messerschmitt 109's and damaged a fourth. Another squadron, acting as escort for formations of Blenheim bombers in a successful raid on Mazingarbe, northern France, destroyed two enemy aircraft which tried to interfere. Credit for these two victories went to Pilot Officer G. McClusky, of Sudbury, Ont., and Sergeant G. D. Robertson, 3 Lambert Avenue, Toronto.
In night fighting operations over Britain, a Royal Canadian Air Force night fighter squadron, commanded by Wing Commander D. G. Morris, of Oakville, Ont. destroyed three enemy raiders and damaged a fourth. The three aircraft destroyed — a Junkers 88, Dornier 17 and Heinkel 111 — were all shot down by Wing Commander Morris himself, two of them within half an hour on one night. The Dornier blew up in the air when hit by cannon fire from the wing commander's guns, and pieces of it struck his own aircraft, putting one engine out of action, but he managed to return safely to his base on the remaining motor.
Wing Commander Morris has been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, and his observer, Sergeant Rix, has received the Distinguished Flying Medal. Credit for damaging the fourth raider is given Flight Lieutenant F. W. Hillock, 14 Walmsley boulevard, Toronto, and his observer, Sergeant L. G. Bell, of Montreal.
A bomber squadron of the R.C.A.F. took part in heavy raids, on Stettin, Hamburg, Essen and Ostend, successfully bombing the targets allotted to it.
Three veteran crews of this squadron were assigned to participate in a severe raid on Bavaria and reported that the target had been badly damaged.
In recent operations against enemy convoys off the coasts of Northern France, Holland and Denmark, a Royal Canadian Air Force squadron of the coastal command scored direct hits on supply ships and tankers.
Wing Commander H. M. Tyles, commander of the squadron, scored direct hits on at least three occasions and holds the high score in his squadron. Pilot Officer Robert Wadds, of Toronto, is credited with direct hits, along with Flight Lieutenant W. A. Anderson, Winnipeg, and Sergeant Pilot J. K. Abbott, of Toronto.
Two R.C.A.F. squadrons co-operated with the Imperial and Canadian armies in the recent maneuvers, recognized as the most extensive in the history of the British army.
To be Additional Commanders of the Military Division of the said Most Excellent Order:
Group Captain Douglas Griffith Morris, D.F.C., Royal Air Force
Order of St. Olav (Degree of Commander)
Acting Air Commodore Douglas Griffith MORRIS, C.B.E., D.F.C., R.A.F.
Victories Include :
30/31 Sep 1941
2/3 Oct 1941
8/9 Dec 1941
7/8 July 1942 |
one Ju88
one He111
one Do217
one He111
one Do217 |
destroyed &
destroyed |
4 / 0 / 1
Combat Report - 30 September 1941
Weather - clear sky with bright moon about south and bearing 110 degrees starboard of line of attack. Beaufighter II left Acklington 2116 and was ordered by sector to orbit base at 12,000 ft. when this height attained was handed over to G.C.I. Controller who gave various vectors off and over Tyne area. At about 2203 hrs. when approx. 11,000 ft, steering 80 degrees MAG and about 20 miles E. of Tynemouth got momentary A.I. Blip of E/A slightly above and to starboard at Max range and flying approx. due east. Our A/C turned to 100 degrees and regained A.I. contact which was maintained until visual obtained at about 3,000 ft. range. Visual then temporarily lost again but was soon regained at same range and maintained. Beaufighter closed to 100 yds. range with E/A slightly to port and above. Pilot saw bright red exhaust flames two on each side of round engines thus identifying E/A as Ju88. At approx. 2209 hrs, at about 9,000 ft. and about 45 miles E. of Tynemouth Beaufighter attacked from level and dead astern. Pilot saw flashes in E/A fuselage. One flash very brilliant. E/A immediately returned fire from Dorsal position. Our A/C attacked twice more. After final attack return fire from E/A ceased and E/A rapidly slowed down. Beaufighter then overshot E/A 20 ft. above and 140 ft. to starboard narrowly avoiding collision. Even then no fire experienced from E/A and both pilot and observer saw red glow of fire in E/A cockpit. E/A turned starboard underneath our A/C which turned nearly complete circle to port. Pilot then saw E/A burst into flames, go into steepening dive to starboard, and saw patch on water where E/A had hit sea. Beaufighter port engine then started vibrating seriously and throwing out sparks. Pilot had to stop it and return to base on starboard engine only. After landing, port engine found seriously damaged by enemy fire, starboard engine slightly damaged and various Bullet strikes mainly in port wing. Pilot believes success of operation due to no evasive action by E/A which was flying at about 260 mph (I.A.S.) and slowly losing height before the combat. Pilot surprised at brilliancy of E/A exhaust flames. Beaufighter landed Acklington at 2234 hours. No failures of Technical equipment.
Pilot: W/C D.G. Morris
Observer: Sgt. A.V. Rix
Promotion (substantive)
The undermentioned promotions in substantive ranks are made
— Wing Commander to Group Captain —
1st July 1947 (seniority 1st Oct 1946)
D. G. MORRIS, CBE, DSO, DFC (29099)

[correction] The caption for this photo (PL-4651) reads - "D.G. Morris (right) & Flight Lieutenant Johnston standing by a Beaufighter of 406 Squadron." However, the Morris family says Doug is not in this photo so the identity of these men remains a mystery. |