Pilot Class Graduates In Ceremony at Barrie
Barrie, Aug. 20, 1941 (Special) — With an exceptionally large crowd of relatives and friends in attendance, members of the latest class of young pilots to graduate from No. 1 Service Flying Training School, Camp Borden, received their wings at an interesting ceremony tonight.
A large proportion of the graduating class came from Ontario centers.
The presentation of wings was made by Squadron Leader A.V. Ashdown, Chief Accounting Officer, Camp Borden, assisted by Group Capt. R. S. Grandy, O.B.E., Commandant, and F/L S.F. Douglass, Adjutant. The ceremony took place on the tarmac in the hangar area, near the control tower. The band of the Westminster Regiment played.
Following the presentation Squadron Leader Ashdown addressed the young pilots.
"The awarding of these badges here today marks the culmination of a carefully planned course which you all have completed in a creditable manner," he said.
"Shortly, you will enter more intensively into the training for the object for which you entered the service — to defeat and destroy our common enemy, an enemy as cunning and resourceful as he is barbarous and ruthless. This task will require all the energy you possess.
Traditions Safe
"We feel that the glorious traditions of our service are safe in your hands, and that you as individuals will add to the splendid record of the British airmen in this conflict. We wish you all success and good luck."
As the parade marched off, the salute was taken by Group Captain Grandy, after which there was a demonstration of flying, and friends were allowed to make an inspection.
J.A. Shanks, 240 King Street, Kingston, headed the large class of graduates.
Among others who received their wings were two members of Camp Borden R.C.A.F. baseball team — J.R. (Jimmie) Shanks, Cameron Street, Sarnia, former star halfback of Sarnia Imperials football team and all-Canadian halfback, and William Thomas Bent, Glenwhite, West Virginia. Another graduate was Harvey George Funkhouser, Port Colborne, No. 1 Squadron track and field champion at a recent meet.
Ontario Graduates Include
Toronto boys awarded their wings included: Lloyd Ernest Pears, 253 Glenview Avenue; Stephen Dominic Fassino, 874 Queen Street West; John Arthur Rae, 22 Madison Avenue; Robert Dulmage Phillip, 207 Strathmore Boulevard; T. F. Watt, 45 Montray Avenue and Clarance Lyall Shaver.
Born in Winnipeg, May 1922
Home in Toronto
(later in Tunbridge Wells, England)
Enlisted in Toronto, 6 November 1940
Trained at
No.1 ITS (graduated 2 April 1941),
No.12 EFTS (graduated 28 May 1941) &
No.1 SFTS (graduated 20 August 1941)
Commissioned 1942
Award presented 17 June 1945.
Postwar entertainment personality in UK & Canada |
Nazis Dodge Scotland As Eager RCAF Waits
With the R.C.A.F., Somewhere in Scotland, May 4, 1942 — Scotland's rare beauty is something to be admired, but the war can't be won by gazing at rolling green hills or tree-fringed locks. That's how airmen of a Canadian Spitfire squadron stationed in Scotland feel.
They are "browned off" — fed up — and want action. Enemy inactivity over this part of Britain has left them virtually jobless.
"We'd like to go to the Middle East," said the squadron commander, Squadron Leader Lloyd Chadburn, 22-year-old pilot from Aurora, Ont., "Even the south of England would be good enough."
Flight Lieutenant W.W. Murray of Woodstock, Ont., a flight commander, felt the same way. Still in his flying boots and Mae West after a cannon-firing test, he said he would go anywhere to "get a little action."
He almost saw his wish fulfilled a little while ago, when the German warships Scharnhorst, Gneisenau and Prinz Eugen were making their spectacular escape from Brest.
Murray and seven other Canadian airmen were ordered to fly to an air station in the south. When they landed there they were sent out to attack aircraft escorting the vessels.
"We raced almost to the Hook of Holland," he said, adding regretfully that "when we got there we found the warships were several miles further away." So Murray and his mates had to return home because they didn't have enough gasoline to take them any further.
"I wouldn't mind at all being back in the south, where you're only a few minutes away from enemy territory. I saw some action when I was down there before with another squadron."
Recalling how he lost a wing tip in a tilt with a Messerschmitt 109 during a sweep over France, Murray said he shot at the Nazi, "and I think I got him, but I wasn't able to confirm it."
Members of his flight who were lounging around in the flight office included Pilot Officers Clyde Scollan, Ottawa; Philip Blades, Victoria; W.T. Johnston, Calgary; Bob Turp, Aurora, Ont.; Flight Sergeants Roy Wozniak, Regina; Doug MacPherson, Edmonton; Jim McNamara, Montreal; Jack Rae, Toronto, and Jack Moul, Port Alberni, B.C.
In the other flight, commanded by Flight Lieutenant P.L. Archer of Barbados, B.W.I., are Pilot Officer Roger Paradis of Shawinigan Falls, Que., the French-Canadian pilot with the squadron; Pilot Officer Buckham of Vancouver; Flight Sergeants Angus Kelly, Regina; Howard MacDonald, Sydney, N.S., and Gene Richardson, Windsor.
The 25-year-old Paradis, who has been with the squadron since it was formed, was a machine operator in a cellophane factory before he joined up.
"This is a very good life," he said, "but I wish we would see some action."
One of the flying control officers at the station is a Canadian, Flying Officer Reg Fisher of Toronto. He supervises the landing and taking off of aircraft from the watch office.
October 29, 1942 - Appointment of Jack Arthur, prominent stage and musical producer, as consultant-producer and chairman of the advisory council for the official Canadian army entertainment troupe, to be known as the army show, has been announced by Defense Minister Ralston. Mr. Arthur's services have been obtained on loan from Famous Players to help in forming this feature production. ...
Military personnel, with outstanding theatrical and musical talent serving in Canada, will be Called upon in casting the production: The purpose of the army show will be to provide modern, entertainment for troops both in training and in service and will provide the general public with a different aspect of army life. ...
An outstanding musical producer, Jack Arthur first studied violin in Glasgow and London and at the tender age of eight years toured with Sir Harry Lauder as a child prodigy. When 13 he came to Canada and the same year won a two-year scholarship at the Toronto College of Music. He graduated four years later.
In 1916 he opened the Regent theatre in Toronto as musical director and subsequently became general musical director for all Famous Players houses in Canada. In 1918 he became managing director and producer of stage presentations at the Regent theatre.
In the same year he opened Capitol theatres in Winnipeg, Vancouver, Regina, Calgary and Montreal, where he inaugurated a policy of symphony orchestra, ballet, operatic excerpts, prologues and pantomime. In keeping with the change in public taste, he later introduced musical comedy excerpts, precision and tap routines.
With the advance of sound pictures, Mr. Arthur discontinued presentation to become an executive in the head office of Famous Players. During his period as a producer, many young Canadians were coached who eventually made reputations for themselves in the United States and Great Britain. Among them were Leon Leonidoff, now vice-president of Radio City; Florence Rogge, ballet mistress, Radio City; Bobby Breen, later an Eddie Cantor protégé; Jackie Rae, now a sergeant-pilot in the R.C.A.F. ...

Norman Houghton, Bobby Buckham & Jackie Rae posing on a Spitfire
Toronto Fliers Win Many Dogfights While Bombers on Way Home
London, April 4, 1943 - (AP) - Tons of explosives dropped by Canadian airmen blasted the mammoth Krupp armament works Saturday night as the R.A.F. and R.C.A.F. proceeded methodically with their plan to wipe out the factories which cover hundreds of acres around Essen and supply the Axis with much vital equipment.
Forming a part of the large force attacking the great German industrial city were three R.C.A.F. Halifax squadrons as well as scores of Canadians in the R.A.F. who fly in such giants as Lancasters. Of 21 bombers lost, five were from the Canadian bomber group.
Saturday night's action by the R.C.A.F, followed afternoon sweeps over Nazi-held France in which a Canadian Spitfire wing destroyed five German fighters and damaged and probably destroyed others. The action, one of the most successful in weeks for the R.C.A.F. pilots, came when the wing supported fighter-bombers on an attack on Abbeville, on the French coast. One Spitfire was lost.
The Canadian squadrons on the Essen raid were led by Wing Commanders W.D. Ferris of Edmonton, A.C.P. Clayton, Vancouver, and M.M. Flemming, Ottawa. Antiaircraft fire and searchlights were plentiful, but only a few Canadians reported sighting night fighters.
Confident, that further extensive damage was inflicted in the 54th raid on Essen, the Canadian airmen told of one particularly large explosion, concentrated fires extending over a large area and dense columns of smoke.
Sgt. A.S. Sutton of 176 Erskine Ave., Toronto, reported a tremendous blast in the heart of the target area and Sgt. T.W. Dimma of Ottawa added facetiously that "I expect Krupps have a lot of stuff that might go off."
"There were two smaller explosions and then right beside them a big one," Sutton said. "Flame poured up and then mushroomed and stayed there in an orange blaze for at least 10 seconds."
Sgt. B.D. Kirkham of Saltcoats, Sask., reported smoke poured up in such great, thick clouds that the fires were blotted out. Twenty-five miles from the target all he could see was the reflected glow.
Pieces of flak glanced off the shoulders of P/O Arnold Rollings of Allenford, Ont., a veteran Canadian bushpilot who was navigator of a Lancaster. Rollings was unhurt.
A motor of the big aircraft cutout over the target and the English pilot dived 11,000 feet toward the searchlights while gunners poured bullets at the lights. Eight flicked out as the bomber swooped to within 400 yards of the ground.
Sgt. Duncan McMillan of Landis, Sask., was a mighty tired airman when he reached base. The elevator trimmers of his aircraft froze en route to Essen and it was a great physical effort to control the bomber. However, it went on to bomb the target although it was unable to weave as searchlights scoured the sky.
F/Sgt. Johnny Carrere of Cochrane, celebrated his commissioning – word of which reached him just before the take-off – by bombing Essen.
Other Canadians on the raid included Sgt. C. E. Willis, Peterborough, Ont., and Ken Emmons, Elgin, Ont., whose wife lives at 244 Rushholme Road, Toronto. Also in the big attack were F/Sgt. Harold Huether of Kitchener, P/O Bill Hilton, Brantford, and Ross Webb of Glenavon, Sask.
In Saturday afternoon's impressive sweep by the Canadian fighters, four Canadians and their English wing commander each shot down a Focke-Wulf 190, a Toronto sharpshooter damaged another and two British Columbia youths shared a probable. The five pilots who each added a Nazi plane to his total were S/L S. L. Ford, D.F.C. and Bar, of Liverpool, N.S.; F/L C. M. Magwood of 414 Dovercourt Road, Toronto; F/O H. D. MacDonald of 30 Craydon Avenue, Toronto; S/L S. H. Boulton of Coleman, Alta., and W/C J. E. Johnson, D.F.C. and Bar, an Englishman.
F/O J. A. Rae of Toronto damaged one and F/L R. A. Buckham of Vancouver and F/O N. A. Keene of White Rock, B.C., shared a probable. Keene was last in the news when he scored hits on a German fighter over France Feb 16.
Johnson said the wing pounced on about 20 enemy fighters which came up after bombs had been dropped on objectives at Abbeville.
Jerries Fell in Pieces
"They were about 3,000 feet below us and I think we took them by surprise," he said. "There were a good many combats at about 24,000 feet."
Magwood's victory was the most spectacular. His victim blew up in the air.
"I started firing at about 150 yards," Magwood said. "The blast lifted my kite with quite a bump."
Ford said his victim turned over when shells and bullets struck then went into a dive with smoke pouring out. Several other squadron pilots reported seeing it in flames at a low level.
MacDonald roared in with guns blazing and saw a wheel of a FW-190 come down, then the cockpit cover blew off and the Nazi pilot bail out.
Boulton attacked a fighter from underneath and observed strikes that blew off pieces from the enemy aircraft.
"The bullets seemed to go into the body of the plane and then I should think into the cockpit and the engine because he started to give out smoke," Boulton said. "Then the enemy machine tipped forward on its nose and went straight down." Both firing, Keene and Buckham attacked their victim from the rear. "We could see chunks flying from the hood and side of the cockpit and he started to go down with smoke coming out," Keene said.
Rae poured a long burst into an enemy fighter from an angle and observed many hits, but "there was another Hun circling, so I did not stop to see what happened."
Young Toronto Flier Proves Life of Party
April 30, 1943 (Special) – F/O John Arthur Rae of 760 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, is the way he is probably referred to around headquarters. But it's "Young Boomer" if you're looking for him at the dispersal hut of the City of Oshawa fighter squadron. Nobody seems to know quite where the "Young Boomer" stuff originated — maybe he thought it up himself, he's that kind of a guy — but it stuck, and that's whom you ask for when you want to see Jackie Rae in a hurry. People often do want to see Jackie in a hurry too.
If you want a considered opinion on a swing band, or a snap judgment on the pedigree of your dog, or a rapid retort on almost any subject, he's your man. If you're not holding your sides and gasping for breath within 30 seconds, Boomer is having an off day.
Keeps 'Em Laughing
Well, maybe he’s not quite that funny, but around the City of Oshawa squadron, Boomer is the guy who keeps 'em laughing on a dull day, imitating a band leader, mimicking some character known to the squadron, or dashing off snatches of popular songs.
Besides that, he relegates Confucius to the bush leagues when it comes to coining phrases, most of which mean nothing to the uninitiated but have become famous in air force parlance.
Boomer's background is no hindrance when it comes to holding other people's attention. Ever since he was one of the "Three Raes of Sunshine" in Canadian vaudeville, at the mature age of about five, this fighter pilot with unruly blonde hair and the infectious grin has been around the entertainment game.
He was born in Winnipeg in May, 1922, and he and his brother and sister were experienced troupers before they knew many words of more than two syllables. From Ottawa to Vancouver they appeared on the Famous Players circuit, singing, playing the piano, learning the business from the ground up.
He started school in Toronto, later attending Jarvis Collegiate, where he graduated in 1939. After that, for a year or so, he was in radio in Toronto, and at one time sang over the air lines with Horace Lapp’s orchestra.
One of his experiences, he relates, was auditioning talent for Ken Sobel's Sunday shows. This was done in town studios all over the Province. Every Saturday he heard 50 amateurs do their stuff, while hundreds more clamored outside for a chance.
Then, in November 1940, he signed up with the R.C.A.F. in Toronto. He completed initial training there, took elementary flying at Goderich and graduated from Camp Borden as a sergeant in August, 1941.
The same month he was posted overseas. Six months later he received a promotion to flight sergeant and in May, 1943, received his commission.
His entire operational career has been spent with the same squadron, first under Squadron Leader L. V. Chadburn, D.F.C., of Aurora, Ont. and later under Squadron Leader F. H. Boulton of Coleman, Alta.
In Attacks On the enemy
Low-level attacks on targets in France, high-altitude forays to protect bombers, and other types of operations, including the Dieppe show, are all recorded in his logbook, where he has about 30 operational sweeps recorded.
Recently he was married to Assistant Section Officer Susanna Mitchell of the W.A.A.F., whose home is in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, The ceremony was conducted by F/L J. J. Jolley, R.C.A.F. chaplain, in Nutfield Parish Church, not far from his station. S/L Chadburn, who then commanded the squadron, was groomsman.
Since he came overseas Jackie has found little time for athletics, but at home he was noted as a “comer,” held junior titles in swimming and badminton, and played on a city championship rugby team in high school.
Heaviest Raid of War Is Made on Duisburg
London, May 13, 1943 (CP) — A vast two-Way aerial offensive against Hitler's Europe, with the Russians joining in from the east, apparently was under way today with the return of good weather on the continent signaling the resumption of Allied round-the-clock raiding.
Following up the destructive night assault on Duisburg, leveled by a cascade of more than 1,500 tons of bombs dropped by the R.A.F. and R.C.A.F. medium and heavy bombers of the British and American Commands, hammered in daylight today at Nazi installations in Northwestern France.
The R.C.A.F. was playing a major role in the resumed prelude to invasion. Canadian fighter pilots had one of their biggest days escorting the daylight bombers and providing diversions. They shot down seven enemy aircraft and damaged five more.
Meanwhile the Moscow radio announced that while the R.A.F. and R.C.A.F. were raiding Duisburg, Russian long-range bombers attacked Warsaw last night and caused fires and explosions among railway trains, ammunition dumps and armament stores in the Nazi-held Polish capital.
The Warsaw attack was the first on the Polish capital since it was almost pounded to pieces by Nazi airmen at the start of the war in 1939.
St. Omer, Meaulte Hit
The American assault on St. Omer and Meaulte in daylight, today was carried out by a "strong force” escorted by Canadian, R.A.F., American and other, Allied fighters. The main attack was delivered with good results against an airplane factory and repair shop at Meaulte. The Canadians fought their first engagement today while carrying out a diversionary sweep for British bombers which hit hard at the Boulogne railway yards. F/L R. H. Walker of Stamford Center, Ont. and P/O J. A. Rae of Toronto, members of the City of Oshawa Squadron, each got a Focke-Wolf 190 and an unidentified member of the squadron shot down a third and damaged a fourth.
S/L C. M. Magwood of Toronto, commander of the Wolf Squadron, which recently got three enemy planes in two days, raised his wing's bag to four and also damaged one enemy plane.
W/C J. E. Johnson and P/O H. J. Dowding of Sarnia, Ont., were each credited with one of the three German planes destroyed during the escort duty to Meaulte. Unidentified pilots, whose share has not yet been decided, bagged the other.
These successes followed the R.C.A.F.'s participation last night in the attack on Duisburg, described by the Air Ministry as the heaviest raid of the war.
Excellent Results
The "excellent results” reported by the Ministry were borne out by the comments of pilots whose stories of giant fires and shattering explosions now have become the regular sequel to the tale of devastation being spread by the Bomber Command.
Halifax and Wellington squadrons of the R.C.A.F. took part in the blow to the Nazi center which feeds supplies into the revolt-torn low-lands of Holland. Canadian losses were nine of thirty-four craft that did not return.
The Air Ministry's description of the Duisburg raid as the heaviest ever delivered by the Bomber Command meant that the Ruhr center got a load of more than 1,500 tons of bombs and that the tonnage was greater than was loosed on Cologne in the historic raid nearly a year ago which engaged more than 1,000 R.A.F. planes.
The loss of thirty-four planes out of an undisclosed total, which certainly was in the several hundreds, was not regarded as excessive in the R.A.F.’s economy. This is clear in view of the loss of forty-four planes in the 1,000-plane-plus raid on Cologne in which the 1,500-ton figure was first reached in bombing weights.
Canadian Fliers Slam Germans at Week-End
London, June 27, 1943 (CP) — Royal Canadian Air Force pilots shot down four enemy aircraft during the weekend, and attacked enemy airfields, laid mines in enemy waters and blasted a train in enemy-occupied territory, it was disclosed tonight.
Two of the enemy aircraft went to Sqdn. Ldr. Charles Cecil Moran, 28, of Trenton, Ont., and one to W/C J. E. Johnson, an Englishman serving with the R.C.A.F. Johnson raised his score to 19 in a conflict near St. Omer, France. Two pilots shared in destruction of the fourth.
Moran, commander of an Intruder squadron of the Fighter Command, finished off his two planes over an airfield south of Paris on Saturday night.
Johnson and his wing were flying to Northern France when they spotted 36 enemy fighters and tried to engage them, but the Germans scurried away.
The Canadians jumped six others coming from the west. Johnson hit a Focke-Wulf 190 in six or seven places and saw it dive in a cloud of smoke.
Meanwhile, pilots of another Canadian Spitfire Wing under W/C Lloyd V. Chadburn of Aurora, Ont., were having a busy time escorting a group of fighters that were attacking an enemy convoy within range of the heavy coastal defenses of Holland.
Toronto Men Made Kill.
In this action F/L Jack Rae, 760 Spadina, Avenue, and F/O Bob (Dagwood) Phillips, 207 Strathmore Boulevard, Toronto, shared honors in bringing down a Focke-Wulf 190.
S/L Geoff Northcott of Minnedosa, Man., and W/C Chadburn damaged an ME-109 and a Focke-Wulf 190, respectively.
Flying a Mosquito, Moran in the other encounter saw the light of Avord airfield and found five planes circling it.
"We stooged around a bit," Moran said, "and watched two land and two more take off. So we waited for our chance. A short burst of cannon fire hit one and when it went down in flames we were able to identify him by the light of his fire.
"He was a Heinkel 111. Ten minutes later we attacked a Junkers 88,” he added. "There was an explosion and the plane hit the ground and blew up."
Seeing a bomb hit the base of a radio pylon at Bourges, Moran gunned the mast. He found a moving train on his way home and shot up the locomotive head on.
Mosquito Squadrons Wing Deep Into France to Inflict Damage
London, June 28, 1943.—(CP)— A large force of United States heavy bombers attacked targets in France late today.
London, June 28.—(AP)— R.A.F. Typhoons and Hurricanes sank two enemy ships early today, drove another, blazing on a beach and brought three more to a standstill after a night in which R.A.F. Mosquito squadrons winged deep into France to hammer airports and railways in the mounting Allied aerial offensive. The latest engagement was reported by the Air Ministry to have taken place off the coast of Holland where swift R.A.F. fighters found five enemy coastal vessels sailing in a line.
Attack in Waves
These vessels were attacked in waves and the final wave of flyers also attacked ships, believed to be tugs, trying to aid the convoy. One R.A.F. plane was lost, the Air Ministry announced, in contrast to the German high command's claim that nine were shot down. The Germans also asserted that the convoy suffered only minor damage.
Hurtling through intense antiaircraft fire, fighters closed in to 500 or 600 yards with guns blazing in the initial attack on the convoy. An explosion and yellow flames suggesting an ammunition fire burst out of one 800-ton ship, which was beached, the Air Ministry said.
One pilot saw a 600-ton ship sink within 10 minutes. When the second wave of planes came over, another 600-ton ship had disappeared.
Other Typhoon bombers arriving later found two more ships which looked like tugs ploughing to the assistance of the remaining two vessels at a standstill. One of these poured out smoke after hits were registered all over her, it was stated.
In the blows by the Mosquitoes the Air Ministry said two railway yards were hit, locomotives were raked with machine-gun fire and R-boats off Cherbourg were straddled with bombs.
There were no indications that British planes were over Germany during the night.
It was the first time after seven consecutive nightly attacks against the Ruhr and western Germany that the R.A.F. failed to strike at war plants in Germany proper.
It was the ninth night, however, of the current Allied aerial offensive against Hitler's Europe.
The weekend assaults slackened in intensity, however, from the punishing raids last week on the Ruhr and on airports and railway targets in France.
Bad weather hampered operations Saturday. American bomber crews returned with bomb racks still loaded because they could not spot their objectives through heavy cloud formations and following an air force policy of not bombing indiscriminately over France.
The R.A.F. and R.C.A.F. followed up Saturday night with raids on unspecified targets in western and northwestern Germany, and on objectives in France.
Nazi shipping off the Dutch coast was attacked Sunday by R.C.A.F. planes and three escort vessels and a supply ship were reported probably damaged.
Pilots attacking the convoy had a busy time. Flt. Lt. Jack Rae and F.O. Bob Phillip, both of Toronto, shared honors in downing a Focke-Wulf 190. S/L Geoff Northcott of Minnedosa, Man. and W/C Lloyd V. Chadburn, Aurora, Ont., leader of the flight, damaged an ME-109 and a Focke-Wulf 190 respectively.
(A German communiqué, broadcast from Berlin and recorded by the Associated Press, said 60 British bombers and fighters attacked a convoy off Scheveningen, the Netherlands. It asserted that nine of the raiders were shot down and the convoy "succeeded in putting into its harbor destination with only minor damage.")
RAE, F/L John Arthur (J15493) - Distinguished Flying Cross - No.416 Squadron
Award effective 12 August 1943 as per London Gazette dated 27 August 1943 and
AFRO 2322/43 dated 12 November 1943.
This officer has completed sixty sorties and throughout has displayed skill and determination of a high order. He has taken part in many telling attacks on shipping, while in combat he has destroyed at least two enemy aircraft. His fine fighting qualities and excellent leadership have contributed materially to the high standard of operational efficiency of his flight
Four Awards Made to Canadian Airmen
Ottawa, Aug. 28, 1943 — Air Force headquarters last night announced award of Distinguished Flying Crosses to S/L G. W. Northcott, of North Minnedosa, Man.; F/L J. A. Rae, of 760 Spadina avenue, Toronto, and P/O A. G. Brunet, of 22 Arthur avenue, St. Thomas, Ont., and made public the award of the Distinguished Flying Medal to P/O (then Sgt.) W. L. Canter, of 252 Grace street, Toronto.
Flt. Lieut. Jack Rae, D.S.O., Bringing English Bride to Toronto
30 Sept. 1943 - Like most winners of decorations, F/L Jack Rae, 21, is modest about it. He allows that he's wearing a D.F.C. ribbon because "the old wingco (wing commander) must have put the beans in a bottle and picked me out — there certainly wasn't anything specific about my decoration."
Rae is on his way to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Rae, Spadina Ave. He is accompanied by his English bride, a W.A.A.F. he met while on service in Britain. It’s his first visit home since he went overseas in September 1941 to serve in squadron 416 under Wing Commander Lloyd Chadburn.
Sometimes as fighter escort for daylight bombing raids and sometimes escorting U.S. planes on shipping attacks, he spent considerable time flying out of Britain.
"By far my most interesting experience was my first ‘sweep' — the day we went over Dieppe and I managed to contact a Junkers 88 fighter-bomber. I saw him coming and decided that it was now or never. I gave him one quick squirt, and saw him go down and realized that I had brought down my first Nazi plane.”
"I can remember Chadburn saying, 'Don't let any get away.' We broke up their formation and they jettisoned their bombs and headed back. I just happened to get next to one of them close enough to get in some effective fire.”
"That morning, a friend of mine, F/L Bob Phillip of Toronto, got a Focke-Wulfe. We got 11 Nazis that day and there wasn't one loss in our gang."
Toronto Airman Tells of Battles With Enemy
Gives Interview on Return From Overseas Duty
Ottawa, September 30, 1943 (CP) — German fighter pilots in western Europe are as skilful and courageous as at any stage of the war, but are probably conserving their aircraft and, on orders, taking no unnecessary risks, F/L J. A. Rae, D.F.C., of Toronto, said in an interview here today.
Recently returned from overseas, F/L Rae has more than 80 sorties to his credit, many of them against enemy shipping. He has shot down four enemy planes for certain, probably two more, and damaged one in more than a year's operational flying with a Canadian fighter squadron.
The battle of Dieppe was a stormy introduction to his career against the enemy. In that show he scored a "probable" against a Junkers 88 when seven or eight of the German aircraft came in to bomb Canadian troops as they were embarking on ships to return to England.
"We broke them up all right," Rae said of the 88's. "We shot down several of them. None of them were able to do their bombing. The rest let their bombs go in the sea and went away."
City of Oshawa
F/L Rae flew with the "City of Oshawa" squadron and at Dieppe his squadron commander was Lloyd V. Chadburn, of Aurora, Ont., now wing commander with the Canadian fighter wing, which Rae said is getting a great reputation among the air forces operating from Britain.
Chadburn shot down many enemy planes and now holds the D.S.O. as well as the D.F.C. Other top pilots in the Canadian fighter wing, mentioned today by Rae, were F/L R. P. Booth, of Vancouver; F/L Bob Philip, of Toronto, and S/L Roy Walker, of Stamford Centre, Ont.
In more than 80 sorties Rae suffered no injury although his plane, was punctured by flak a couple o£ times.
Recently he has been doing escort work for United States Flying Fortresses and said he found the Germans have a “healthy respect” for the firepower of the big bombers.
Rae was one of two pilots in a group which recently returned to Canada to bring an English bride with him. He telephoned his mother at Toronto to announce his arrival and expects to go there as soon as he is cleared through air force headquarters.
Canadian Ace Modest About His Decorations
By TRENT FRAYNE Aurora, March 14, 1944 — If you're interested in the case history of Canada's most decorated fighter pilot, W/C Lloyd Chadburn, D.S.O. and Bar, D.F.C., the man to avoid assiduously is W/C Lloyd Chadburn, D.S.O. and Bar, D.F.C.
On the other hand, if you're interested in meeting a fine, unaffected Canadian who can fly a Spitfire as easily as he winds his watch, the man to see is Lloyd Chadburn, a blond, laughing kid of 24, who'll talk about anything but his exploits (which include 14 German aircraft downed) — any one but himself. There is no use mincing words. Lloyd Chadburn is the kind of Canadian every Canadian would like to be. Each time he was awarded the D.S.O. the citation mentioned his leadership, which is just another word until you meet him.
Shakes Off Questions
He doesn't want to tell you about himself and yet he isn't one of those pseudo-modest types. He just shakes you off a question about Chadburn by grinning a most infectious grin, and, still smiling, handing out an impossible answer. He is a solidly built blond boy with blue ayes and an engaging personality.
For instance, when you point to his decorations he says the D.S.O. came out with the rations and opines that the D.F.C. is a prettier ribbon anyway. His service ribbon, with clasp, came "for voting for Mackenzie King." The clasp, he laughs again, is his "Willkie button."
Sitting in an R.C.A.F. transport in front of Union Station after he'd picked up his luggage yesterday, he wondered if the Royal York would be open and it was agreed the Royal York probably would be.
"Driver," he said to an LAC in the R.C.A.F., "would you like to join us?"
"I don' know, sir. How long will you be?"
"Oh, not very long. We should be to Aurora by 6:30 and you'll be back by 7."
"Well, perhaps sir. I was just wondering if I had time to go to Manning Depot to get another driver."
Waits for Driver
It was obvious that the LAC wanted the night off. He was beating around the bush. Any time now you felt, the wing commander with his great record, would tick off the LAC.
Instead, Lloyd Chadburn waited for the driver to make up his mind. He was genuinely concerned, and there was silence in the car while the LAC pondered.
"I think sir," he said at length, "I'll phone for another driver from the hotel.”
“That'll be fine." beamed Chadburn, "Come across with us." This was in sharp contrast to any number of desk-ridden brass hats, but that's the kind of fellow Chadburn is.
One of the first things he did when he flew in from Ottawa yesterday was look up Jackie Rae. Rae was a sergeant in Chad's squadron when Chad was a squadron leader overseas. Now Rae is a flight lieutenant wearing the D.F.C.
Fine Leader
"I'll tell you what kind of a guy he is," volunteered Jackie. "When we were flying with the City of Oshawa Squadron there wasn't a guy who ever asked Chad where we were going. When he told us we were off for a scramble we jumped to get going. We didn't care where. If he was leading us we just naturally tagged along."
Newsmen accompanied Chadburn to his home here and filled his house as they snapped pictures and asked questions.
Chad's reaction: "If any of those Hun pilots could see me now they'd say, “Brother, there's a piece of cake."
He didn't like all the fuss, but if the boys wanted to make their pictures, sure, he'd comply. "D'yuh want me to stand on my head, fellahs?"
He's in Canada to speak to Sixth Victory Loan salesmen, to give them a pep talk. He's due back in England around April 15 and, hot dog! he's going back on operations.
Since November, Chad has been handling two squadrons from a desk as a Wingco, the City of Oshawa and the City of Winnipeg. That's not what he's after. What he wants is to get back at the controls of his Spit.
Ontario Men Fighter Wave Leaders In Invasion
By TRENT FRAYNE, June 7, 1944
When they read about it yesterday, nobody was surprised to learn that Lloyd Chadburn and Freddie Green led the first waves of fighter planes over the invasion area. Those who knew them, in fact, rather expected it.
Chad and Freddie are alike in a lot of ways. They come from the same neck of the woods, Chadburn from Aurora and Green from Toronto. Both insist there is no aircraft in the world to match the Spitfire and both have flown them for three years or more.
They were sergeants when they went overseas. Today Chad is a wing commander, wearing the DSO and Bar and the DFC. Freddie is a squadron leader, has the DFC and Bar. Both are blond-headed, easy-going, will settle for a practical joke any time.
Has Rafese on Tongue
Let's look at them a little closer, digging back to last June 16, when Freddie came home for a month's leave. He is a serious, sincere fellow when the mood strikes him. He swears no more than the average 27-year-old, but just as much, too. He talks about a pilot's leaves like the fellow next door talks about Saturday night. Like all pilots, he has Rafese on his tongue, but it’s casual and unaffected.
"Dieppe was bloody hell for the guys on the ground. I was over eight times, escorting bombers.
Other planes were upstairs knocking Jerry down and Jerry was tumbling past us all the time. I wasn't more than 500 feet up all day.” Perhaps that's what it was like yesterday ... or today ... or will be tomorrow.
Reason for Decorations
Why did he get his decorations?
"Damned if I know. Because I'd lived so long, I guess."
If he had gone overseas as a sergeant-pilot, his promotion to squadron leader was rather rapid, wasn't it?
"I wouldn't say that. A lot of guys were killed. Somebody had to be promoted.”
And then when you switch over to Chadburn you find the same type of fellow. Ask him about his decorations and he says the DSO came out with the rations and opines that the DFC is a prettier ribbon anyway.
Chad made the immortal remark about his service ribbon: "lt came for voting for Mackenzie King." Of the ribbon's overseas clasp, he grinned: "That's my Willkie button.”
He doesn't want to talk about himself and he isn't making noises like one of those pseudo-modest types either. He just shakes you off a question about Chadburn by grinning and handing out an impossible answer.
Tribute to Chadburn
F/L Jack Rae, DFC, Toronto, who flew with Chadburn overseas, once volunteered the most striking tribute to 24-year-old Chadburn.
"When we were flying with the City of Oshawa Squadron, there wasn't a guy who ever asked Chad where we were going. When he told us we were off for a scramble we jumped to get going. We didn't care where. If he was leading us we just naturally tag along."
That's what those verbose citations are talking about when they refer to a man's "qualities of leadership.” That's what Freddie Green and Lloyd Chadburn and hundreds of other young Canadians are throwing at Hitler today.
Victories Include :
19 Aug 1942
3 April 1943
5 April 1943
13 May 1943
27 June 1943
18 July 1943
2 Aug 1943 |
one Ju88
one FW190
one FW190
one FW190
1/2 FW190
1/2 Me109
one Me109 |
destroyed |
(s/ with R.D. Phillip)
(s/ with L Chadburn)
3 / 0 / 3
Shores & Williams in Aces High (2nd edition) explain that confusion of this officer with a New Zealand officer, J. D. Rae, has resulted in some writers attributing as many as eight confirmed victories to the Canadian. |
An older Jackie Rae living his life to the fullest. The pretty lady with him in the picture is Marion Ryan, his co-host from the popular British TV series "Name That Tune" - late 50's early 60's |
NOTE: A news release dated 4 January 2002 from Government House announcing appointments to the Order of Canada (Companions, Officers and Members), included under “Members” the following:
John Arthur (Jackie) Rae, CM, DFC, Toronto, Ontario - At the age of three, he began performing as one of the Three Raes of Sunshine, touring the North American vaudeville circuits. As a teenager, he was already a reasoned veteran of the stage. After serving his country as a pilot in World War II, he returned home a decorated hero and resumed his career as a producer with the CBC at the vanguard of the television era. In the years that followed, he produced scores of programs including the popular Wayne and Shuster Show and returned to the spotlight as the singinghost of his own series. Now retired, he brings the healing power of music to patients at Princes Margaret Hospital with regular performances of The Spitfire Band, a musical group he founded.
(Rae passed away 5 October 2006 -jf)