
Slick Goodlin & Lee Sinclair (on wing) with an S199 (Israel 1948-49)
Considerable confusion between "Lee" and George Leonard Sinclair (39644) exists so "facts" are few
Born in St. Mary, Kent
Home in Bagot, Manitoba
Appointed Acting P/O on Probation, RAF, 4 March 1939
In No.26 Army Co-Op Squadron, 18 Dec. 1939 to 4 May 1941(?)
Flew multiple Ops in May but attended Cranwell in June 1940
Sgt. George Relton Stephenson, who appears to have been his
usual gunner, received a DFM at the same time as Lee's DFC
Not recognized as having flown in the BoB
Shot down 4 October 1943 flying a Typhoon of No.3 Squadron
(during a shipping strike)
Known as Lee or Les
One source claims he was a W/C at War's end
Given the rank of F/L in 1946
Relinquishing his rank of S/L in November 1947
It appears that Lee joined the Israeli Air Force in 1948
He flew missions with John McElroy & Jack Doyle among others
Known missions with 101 squadron IAF (1948-49):
Nov 19 - Spit 132, escort Doyle's recce
Nov 24 - P-51 190, escort Doyle's recce
Dec 02 - Spit 131, escort Doyle's recce
Dec 08 - Spit 132, recce with Augarten
Dec 15 - Spit 131, escort S. Cohen's recce
Jan 02 - Spit 2012, B-17 escort (failed rendezvous) with McElroy
Jan 03 - Spit 2004 (133), Harvard escort with McElroy
Jan 04 - Spit 2012, B-17 escort with Feldman
Jan 05 - Spit 2012, B-17 escort with Schroeder
Jan 06 - Spit 2012, patrol with Senior
Jan 07 - Spit 2013, B-17 escort with McElroy
He returned to Canada, late September or early October 1949 |
SINCLAIR, P/O George Leslie (41748) - Distinguished Flying Cross
Awarded as per London Gazette dated 23 July 1940
No published citation
Public Records Office Air 2/6075 (Non-Immediate Awards, Air Component of the Field Force, 1940) has recommendation dated 29 May 1940, giving his name as Leslie and rank as Pilot Officer:
During the course of operations between 10th and 28th May 1940, Pilot Officer Sinclair has displayed coolness, courage and devotion to duty above the average. In particular on the 19th of May, 1940, whilst on a reconnaissance sortie in the Peronne area he found and attacked enemy tanks under heavy anti-aircraft fire. In spite of the fact that his machine was badly damaged by this fire he returned to a British aerodrome bringing back useful information.
On Monday, 27th May, whilst under heavy and very accurate enemy anti-aircraft fire he saw a large force of tanks in the St. Pol area. Despite the fire, he came in low and identified and attacked the enemy, returning again to his base with very valuable information.
For his coolness under fire and his courage, Pilot Officer Sinclair is recommended for the Distinguished Flying Cross.
This was further refined for submission to the Air Ministry Honours and Awards Committee:
In a reconnaissance sortie in the Peronne area on the 19th May, 1940, this Pilot Officer attacked enemy tanks under heavy anti-aircraft fire. He returned to a British aerodrome with useful information despite his machine being badly damaged. Regardless of heavy and very accurate enemy anti-aircraft fire he attacked a large force of tanks in the St. Pol area on the 27th May and secured very valuable information. In all operations between the 10th and 28th May Pilot Officer Sinclair has displayed coolness, courage and devotion to duty.
Victories Include :
? / ? / ?
Could have as many as 5 kills (he &/or his gunner) or as few as none